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  1. M

    Research speed

    Have they chosen to slow down the tech rate yet or do you still rush through the ages? I feel that you get new techs too fast no matter what gaming speed you are playing on.
  2. M

    Need a few more reliable people for MP.

    Hey. We are around 7 guys that are playing Civ V MP on a regular basis, but as we all know real life can hinder your participation every now and then. So in order to get a few more games going we would like to find some more people that are willing to join us. We are all from Sweden, but...
  3. M

    Mp + mods

    Hey If you select MOD on Civ5 you can choose which ones you want. Once you've done that you have an option between SP and MP. With this option MODS seem to be playable in MP but I still have some trouble concerning it all. I've installed the MOD Communitas, it's a map MOD(not just a...
  4. M

    Custom Maps

    Hey. Just downloaded the patch where you get the custom maps in MP. Tried to get a game going with the Continents Plus script but couldn't find it on the list. Does it not count as "custom map"? Is there a way for me to solve this problem? Would appreciate the help!
  5. M

    Diplomatic victory

    Has this condition changed? When I'm looking at the screenshot of the techline I can't find the UN which you have to build in order to start the vote. Am I blind or do I have a point?
  6. M

    Multiplayer - Let's get pumped for BNW

    Hey. Me and my friends got a renewed interest in Civ V with the announcement of BNW. 2 of us, however, want to wait to play multiplayer untill the expansion is released. Leaving three of us looking for more players. We are from sweden but can handle english. We are around the age of...
  7. M

    Multiplayer - Swedes assemble!

    Trying this again seeing the last one was quite a success. We were two, we are now three guys playing alot of Civ V GnK MP. Perhaps a 4th on the way. We play quite often, several times per week but are very flexible, can have multiple games running if one of us can't make it that time. We...
  8. M

    Swedish MP

    Hey. We are two guys who are currently playing alot of Civ V MP together and will continue to do so with GnK. However we feel we could use some more people to game with. We use skype during our gamingsessions. Any swedes find this interesting?
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