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Search results

  1. naervod

    Why You Can't Live by the Bible

  2. naervod

    Maradona admits to 'hand of God' goal against England

    http://uk.sports.yahoo.com/050823/3/d4d3.html Well, he finally admitted it. I think its another bad mark on Maradona's character, a cheater and a drug-addict. Its really hard for me to see how he uses political happenings to justify his decision to cheat. :rolleyes:
  3. naervod

    UEFA Champions League 2005-2006

    I haven't seen one yet, so this will be the official CFC thread for this year's CL competition, seeing as one leg of the last qualifying round has been completed. This thread will be the discussion thread for all things related to the road to Paris on May 17, 2006.
  4. naervod

    Champion's League Semi-Final: Who Will Advance?

    Who will be on in Istanbul in May? Please choose one team each from: Milan-PSV Chelsea-Liverpool
  5. naervod

    Why You Can't Live by the Bible

    This is a fun thing I got my friend showed me that I thought I'd share with y'all at CFC. Enjoy: Dear President Bush, Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God's Law. I have learned a great deal from you and understand why you would propose and support a constitutional...
  6. naervod

    Can the Libertarians Siphon Votes Off From Bush?

    It seems to me that the Republicans are leaving their fiscal conservative/small government views out for the garbage man. What I am wondering, is that tomorrow, will the disgruntled small government and fiscal conservatism advocates who formerly voted Republican now vote Libertarian (which...
  7. naervod

    Next Team to Break Their "Curse"

    Saw this poll on Yahoo, thought it might be intersting to hear some thoughts. Now that the Red Sox have won, who will be the next team to break their World Series drought? Being a San Franciscan, I hope the Giants do it, and they have a reasonable (though maybe not the best) shot at it next...
  8. naervod

    What if Hitler hadn't delayed in the invasion of the USSR?

    As we all know, Hitler invaded the USSR on June 22, 1941. However, I don't know how many know this, but the scheduled date of the was some 5 or 6 weeks earlier, in middle to late May. However, the invasion was pushed back because Hitler had to help his somewhat incompetent ally in SE Europe...
  9. naervod

    I Bid You Adieu (For Now)

    That's right, I am leaving NESing, after a year and a half. This time, it is not as much of a time thing, as it is a loss of interest. While the NESes I play are good, I simply lack the motivation to play. Do not worry, I am not leaving forever, I simply need a break from NESing where I don't...
  10. naervod

    Talk About Too Much Advertising...

    I was trying to look at a map in an NES I am playing in and I got this ad... Anyone care to explain?
  11. naervod

    NANES: 3/26/04

    The date is March 26, 2004. The USA is struggling to keep Iraqi insurgents contained, the Communist regime in North Korea remains strong, a key Palestinian militant has been killed by Israeli troops, prompting retaliation by many Palestinian militants, bombings in Madrid have just killed almost...
  12. naervod

    My Future NESes

    As I have been working on my 1836 NES, I have run into some MAJOR roadblocks while developing the nations and the rules, so instead of keeping everyone waiting for one that will probably not come out for a couple of months, I have decided to start work on a new one that should be out tomorrow or...
  13. naervod

    Leaving NESing (Not Completely)

    In recent days, I have found that many of the NESes lack something original or interesting, or are as innovative as ones in the past. Also, my life has become very busy, as I have a girlfriend, track season is starting, and the second semester is really starting to get tough. This is why I am...
  14. naervod

    New Omnipotent Dominion (EQNES)

    Welcome to the official NOD thread. We will discuss public NOD policy here, and any questions to the NOD as a whole can be posted here. Current Members: -Egypt -China -Brazil -Russia -Quebec -Madagascar -Andes Confederation -Azteca -Argentina -Germany Invitations to: -Zulu...
  15. naervod

    BCS Won't Consider Football Playoff System

    In my opinion, this is absurd. There needs to be a better way to determine the national champion than the BCS, which is showing its flaws right now. A tournament like the NCAA Basketball Tournament would be much better than the current, flawed system.
  16. naervod

    A Week of Earthquakes

    Link Yet another tragedy in the holiday season. Maybe it's something with natural disasters around Christmas, I have no idea. It is sad to see a historical place ruined like this.
  17. naervod

    vBulletin 3.0 Out?

    I was browsing the Paradox Entertainment Forums (which uses vBulletin) when I noticed this announcement: http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/announcement.php?f=122 Scroll down to the bottom of the main forum (and any forum I think) and you will see they are using a test version of version...
  18. naervod

    Away for the Weekend

    I willl be away for Thanksgiving starting in a few hours. Tonight I am going to my aunt's house and will be getting home late. Then, I will leave early tomorrow morning to go to Lake Tahoe to...snowboard! Yessssssss!!! I will return early Sunday afternoon. Please NPC all my nations until I...
  19. naervod

    Next NANES

    I will not make a poll out of this as I don't want to restrict possibilities. I might like to make a board game, but I would like feedback from the players first before I make an NES (so it doesn't go the way of stNANES5). I am open to almost any possibility, please discuss.
  20. naervod

    stNANES5: This Time It's For Real

    So, this is it. New map, new rules, a fresh start. I will keep this going as long as I have time for, which should be for a while hopefully. As long as you send in enough orders, I will update. Economy First of all, your economy will be free from the restrictions of many of the other story...
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