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  1. E

    Allstars of the Three Kingdoms

    download: Steam download Skydrive download Metal, Forest, Water, Fire and Earth, these are 5 elements of nature. In this MOD, you and your Heroes will master the five elements to build your empire, unlock card spells, learn talents and discover artifacts, and conquer other warlords in the...
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    Blizzard Allstars

    Need Help on future Development I put this back here with all 3d models removed, and a much better hero system. But I can only put this back on steam with all blizzard stuff replaced with new items that are free of copyright issues. In my three kingdoms mod, I was able to get permission to use a...
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    [LUA]how to call a unit method defined in xml table

    I think I have see this before in this forum but can't find it now, I have a xml table that defines some callback function, that need to be called by a unit, like this: local callback = GetTheFunctionNameFromTable(...); unit:callback(...); but that won't work, the error is...
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    how to turn off the civ5mod file in ModBuddy

    as my mod grow large, it takes minutes to build, and I think most of the time was wasted in building the civ5mod file, which is not useful until upload to steam I wonder if there is a way to turn it on/off, so I can build the civ5mod file only when needed?
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    How to converting blender 2.6 model to 2.49 with animation?

    hi, I have a blender 2.68 model with animation defined, but it need blender 2.49 to import model to the game. If I load the 2.68 save from 2.49, animation will be lost, converting the model to obj file will loss animation too. Does anyone know how to convert a blender 2.6 model to 2.49 with...
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    Need help with import warcraft unit model

    hi, I try to import a unit model from warcraft 3 into civ5, it shows good in blender and granny viewer but won't display in game. I can't find a guide on how to import model from other games, so I import the model to civ5 follow this guide by Deliverator ...
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    How to add Hero Units in Your MOD

    This tutorial explains how to add Heroes to your MOD by extending the Civlization Allstars MOD. And you can create bridge MOD to add Heroes to other people's MOD too. This tutorial assume you have basic knowledge of modding, can use Modbuddy, create XML files, and create iconatlas. I'll use...
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    Steam Workshop Problem

    I tried to upload my MOD to workshop a few times, but always got corrupt file problem: the downloaded civ5mod file can't extract with 7zip, the error message is: Data error in '......' File is broken Dose anyone know what's...
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    Heroes of Might and Wisdom

    Savage, Might, Courage, Agility, Endurance, Wisdom and Sorcery, these are the seven Pillars of A Hero's Talents. This Mod add 3 Heroes for each Civilization and you can unlock more Heroes by completing world Wonders. These Heroes fight in the front line on battle field, gain new Talents of the...
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    Heroes of the Three Kingdoms

    This mod contains 15 Civilizations, 139 Heroes and 16 Unique Wonders of the Three Kingdoms period in China 18 century ago. V18 also add 3 Daimyos from Sengoku period. Each Civilization has 3 UA, 4 UU/UB/UI, and at least 9 Heroes Units. You can select Custom Game to see all these Uniques at game...
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