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  1. P

    Random things I feel about culture...

    Early Great Musicians & Writers should fill in GW slots and late GWMs should just be expended for the massive culture/tourism. Late game, hotels and airports > individual great works/theming bonuses Broadway seemed powerful, until I realized I could not swap music :D So for goodness' sake...
  2. P

    Money management wrt RAs

    Does anyone notice that you shouldn't just offer AIs your money for them to "graciously" accept? You can actually extract 1 gpt per 33g, so for example if you had to make up for a shortfall of 300g on the AI side you could give them around 320g by asking for 10 gpt in return. This way you can...
  3. P

    My suggestion to buff Piety

    Since it could use some buffs for either tall or wide cultural purposes. Opener: reduces time to build religious and cultural buildings by 33%. Organized Religion: +1 faith from every cultural building, +50% faith in a city if you have 5 cultural buildings. Mandate of Heaven: +25% of faith...
  4. P

    Do you find the Penicillin tech useful?

    ie. does anyone build those med labs and/or marines often? I tried rush buying med labs today, and the effect I noticed was I got a size 35 city on standard for the first time. Otherwise 32 was the maximum I always got on aqueducts. Is it phenomenal? I don't know but doesn't seem like much...
  5. P

    What constitutes flanking and how is the bonus computed?

    I'm having some trouble figuring out when my unit flanks and when it doesn't. Sometimes I need to make a big detour to get a flanking bonus (lovely hussars) and sometimes I just simply stand next to it and get a 30% flanking? Also how is the bonus computed? Thanks.
  6. P

    It seems ICS is really some good fun...blek

    It's really great therapeutic relief from work. As you spam settler after settler, first the diplo penalty goes dark red on one leader, then dark red on several, then bright red on all of them. Then leader after leader threatens to announce your "sins" but they know they can't afford to go...
  7. P

    2K should fix some of these CS things

    1. In vanilla, when CS request a road, their workers will auto-build their side of the road, and they will rebuild to align with yours if their road went in the wrong direction. But in GAK, they don't build any roads at all so my worker has to go into their territory to build, which presents a)...
  8. P

    You cannot have multiple GP births anymore!

    So freaking sad! I was really happy that my wives Sukhothai, Lampang and Muang Saluang were going to birth 1 GE and 2 GS at the same time. Turns out 3 turns later, only the capital birthed, then the other city then the 3rd. Siamese twins don't exist anymore or does this apply to everyone? Any...
  9. P

    It's nice to be a trend setter...

    When you know what you do hurts AIs a lot. Now that AIs loves DOFs so much, the best thing that can ever happen is you are the first to accept a DOF, other AIs DOF you, form a bloc blablabla. Then a CS gets bullied by a non-DOF AI and wants you to denounce it, so you do the right thing...
  10. P

    Harald is so comical when he apologizes

    When his spy is killed. First you see him wearing his helmet, then he mumbles something, takes off his helmet, throws it into the water and walks off the screen. While you're reading "Please let any hostile feelings...." and "It makes me glad you will overlook..." he's not even there, like he's...
  11. P

    Most satisfactory win in the whole of Civilization

    Using Ethiopia, emperor, in a 60-turn golden age (mwahahaha!), was tech ahead of everyone else despite only 4 cities, turtling comfortably with future units + UA and won on T314 - my fastest ever. GAK is so fun! :D Also see this
  12. P

    Strategy to tech fast without overly depending on RAs

    This requires a bit of luck but should be manageable. I can vouch for this on emperor so this is a disclaimer: I am not sure whether it will really work on immortal/deity. Basically you need to found a religion, for this get Founder: Interfaith Dialogue Followers: Mosques, Pagodas...
  13. P

    The Stealth Bomber rush is not viable anymore

    Aside from being one of the very last techs in the tree, I found - much to my chagrin - that SBs don't deal the kind of omgwtf damage to cities anymore. 3 SBs with 2 siege promotions would not even turn a city to red, just a bit of yellow and it would recover to green almost immediately. Not...
  14. P

    Some CS are targets for bullies...that really sucks

    Actually just one so far. COLOMBO. Does anyone notice how frequently Colombo is bullied, and how many hits you get to diplomacy just for standing up for this bullied kid? Maybe because it's mercantile I don't know. Are there any other CS in your games that always get bullied?
  15. P

    GP and GP-giving wonder abuse

    I just played my first GAK game as Byzantines and it occured to me that if free GPs increase the threshold of the next, then it would really be powerful if just before completing a GP-giving wonder you actually generated that same GP too. You wouldn't need to worry about the next threshold for...
  16. P

    How much is a "lump sum" of science exactly??

    From: a) one RA b) burning a GS c) as Korea, build science buildings Please please please, I'd really appreciate replies on this as the manual is ambiguous, I saw Madjinn's vid but didn't exactly get the lump sum part. Also, are there more wonders that have qualified as "science"...
  17. P

    It seems Babylon has been greatly nerfed...

    While Korea has gotten much stronger. So what Babylon gets is upon Writing, its free GS must be settled (bpt is too low to even get half a tech), the cost of its 2nd immediately goes up 100 points, while it can no longer save up for free bulbs unless it has very high bpt which is more likely...
  18. P

    Sub T200 science victory - do you think it's still possible?

    SO - are our Deities still confident of a sub-200-turns science victory in G&K? I can see it's going to be much harder with Civil Service needing so many prerequisite techs and the necessary DOFs.
  19. P

    What was the highest amount of gold you've ever pillaged?

    I'm guessing, the record will be any Songhai dude pillaging Egypt. :lol:
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