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  1. PrimEval

    Deity 43 CIV TSL Huge Earth: The Celts

    I'm back after a long civ hiatus, you might remember me from some other Deity Let's plays, with my Deity France Peaceful Cultural Victory series being the best of the set. I've started a new 43 CIV true start location Huge Earth map as the Celts...
  2. PrimEval

    Polystralia Apollo Difficulty - Let's Learn Together

    Let's Learn Together, my very first game of Civilization Beyond Earth See my opening spiel and selection of game settings at...
  3. PrimEval

    BNW France Deity Cultural Victory

    Hey Guys! This is PrimEval back with another Deity Let's Play. I've pre-recorded the first half of the game already and will play the second half with your input and answering your questions! In this game I am aiming for a peaceful (or mostly peaceful) cultural victory...
  4. PrimEval

    PrimEvalCIV plays BNW Deity Challenge 26: Brazil

    Here is part 1:
  5. PrimEval

    PrimEvalCIV's Deity LP: The Shoshone

    Continents, Deity, Standard size and speed. I will be playing an hour daily and integrating your comments and suggestions as I go. If you want to give the game a try, the turn 0 save is attached.
  6. PrimEval

    8-Player-FFA Songhai with Yoruus

    Here is my first 8 player game. We also have Yoruus, commentating on his channel as India, with links to the corresponding videos in our description boxes. Civilization 5: Gods & Kings, 8 player Free-for-all, Pangaea, Standard size, Deity, Quick speed...
  7. PrimEval

    Calling all Let's Play'ers for a multiplayer free for all

    I really enjoy 6 player free-for-all games of Civ5. What I would really like to do is play a game where each of the players is recording and commentating their actions. If you play and record civ, or know someone who does, then tell them and help make this happen! First we need to get the...
  8. PrimEval

    PrimEvalCIV plays Deity Challenge 12: The Celts It's been a fun game so far, I'm about half way done and will update the playlist as I go. For more on Deity Challenge 12 see
  9. PrimEval

    Multiplayer Game 6 PrimEvalCIV gets Songhai again!

    Is the third time really the charm?
  10. PrimEval

    PrimEvalCIV's Multiplayer Game 5: Russia

    Game 5 in my No Quitters series is now up! This is a 6 player free-for-all on Pangaea, Small, Immortal, Quick speed. As usual, everyone is random.
  11. PrimEval

    PrimEvalCIV's multisession G&K, EST

    I've always been interested in Onan's multisession games, but the timing never worked out for me. I want to organize another group of regular players who would like to play for a set time (2 to 4 hours) each week. The next week we would pick up from a save and continue the game. I would also...
  12. PrimEval

    PrimEvalCIV Multiplayer Game 4: Germany

    Game 4 in my No Quitters series is now up! I was more tired than I realized when I played this game so there a few stretches later on where I zone out and don't end up saying anything. I hope you enjoy it anyway! This is a 6 player free-for-all on Pangaea, Small, Emperor, Quick speed...
  13. PrimEval

    MP VidLP 3 is up, and planing for Game 4

    Wanted to let the MP folks, who don't wonder over the the Let's play section, know that Game 3 is now up: The 6 players vying for victory in are (in "turn" order): NQ-kdjd, NQ-carls13, PrimEvalCIV, NQ-past77, NQ-LeanStartup, and...
  14. PrimEval

    PrimEvalCIV's Multiplayer Game 3: The Iroquois

    Game 3 in my No Quitters series is now up! This is a 6 player free-for-all on Pangaea, Small, Immortal, Quick speed. As usual, everyone is random.
  15. PrimEval

    NQ-Multiplayer Video 2: Songhai Redemption?

    I announced this over at the Let's Play forum but thought I'd put this here too. Not only is it multiplayer vid, but features some fixtures from the civ community. Player 1 is fredodo_502 Player 2 is KiffeLesBiffles Player 3 is NQ-DerWolfmann Player 4 is Sah. Player 5 is NQ-kdjd Player 6...
  16. PrimEval

    NQ-Multiplayer Game 2: Songhai Redemption?

    Game 2 in my No Quitters series played on January 2, 2013. 6 player Free-for-all, Pangaea, Small, Emperor, Quick speed. Everyone is random, but we rolled Songhai again! Will this be redemption? Let's find out! To see the...
  17. PrimEval

    Multiplayer free-for-all: Songhai on a Fractal map

    I've posted the first half of a 6 player free-for-all I played yesterday with the no quitters group. Will post the remainder later in the week. Hope you enjoy it!
  18. PrimEval

    Video Let's Play Series Multiplayer FFA Songhai

    I've posted the first half of a 6 player free-for-all I played yesterday with the no quitters group. Will post the remainder later in the week. Hope you enjoy it!
  19. PrimEval

    Multiplayer VidLP

    I'm planing to do some VidLPs for my MP games. To test my setup I have uploaded a short Civ video. For 5 minutes of light entertainment, checkout:
  20. PrimEval

    MP Bug: Auto-annex, no unhappiness

    So I played my first post patch game today and encountered some strange behaviour. Every time I captured a city using a privateer the city was auto-annexed (no choice to puppet or raze) and none of the annexed cities unhappiness was added to my total! Have you also encountered this?
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