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  1. T

    Help with the first 200 turns? (King)

    I'm looking for advice about how best to use my first 200 turns on King and figured you all would have some good ideas. I'm not a great player by any means (clearly since King is my ceiling for not getting my butt kicked every time) and would love to hear some different takes from people on...
  2. T

    Quick Mod Help

    Sorry for the newb question -- I'm not a modder and only dabble with the notepad elements of modding. It's been awhile since I've done it, but I inserted this string into the notepad on the map I like to play: Victory=VICTORY_CONQUEST Victory=VICTORY_DOMINATION Victory=VICTORY_CULTURAL...
  3. T

    Earth Maps

    I am looking for a Mod or scenario which has a large map of the Earth (like the 18 civ one), yet allows you to choose which nations will be on it. I remember Civ II when they allowed you to choose X amount of civs to play against on the earth map and then put them in their accurate start up...
  4. T

    A little help please?

    I have two questions I was hoping you all could help me with. I have played TET's map since the original version and frankly don't really like playing Civ unless its on a real world map with accurate starting locations. That being said, I am a complete Newbie when it comes to modding. I know...
  5. T

    Newbie help

    I just got C3C with the Bonus CD "Best of the Net". I am trying to get DyP 2.0 loaded from the CD into the game so that I can use it. But I have no clue how to do so. Can anyone assist a newbie and tell me how to save DyP 2.0 from the CD onto my computer so I can use it on C3C? Thanks!
  6. T

    Basic Unit Question

    I have another newbie Mod question. If I am editing a mod that already has a bunch of units in it, how would I add a new unit. For example, say I want to make French Warriors stronger than say Russian Warriors. Can I do that realitivily easily or would i need to create a separate folder for each...
  7. T

    Editor Help

    Quick Question: How do I add cities to the map in the PTW editor??? The icon to add cities won't let me use it (the C button...) I know I am missing something. Thanks for the help
  8. T

    Special Forces Request

    I am a newbie to Modding and have absolutley no idea how to do ANYTHING (yes, I am laaaaaame). But I have been playing Civ since the first one and have to admit I am in love with TET's mod. I know that it is possible to add units and leaders to mods and was wondering if anyone has created any...
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