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  1. R

    best free program for modeling human units?

    In the opinion of the various unit creators on this board, what is the best free program for creating human(oid) units? Wanted to try a bit of creation. RRnut
  2. R

    Working Offline?

    Is it possible to open pages offline that were already opened before with the new upgrade? Before I would often load the page, then write a reply later when I had time, then reconnect and post it. However, with this forum upgrade, it seems impossible to acess pages offline. Is this so? RRNut
  3. R

    PTW Micromanagment Problem

    I just recently upgraded to PTW. In CIV3 1.29 I had the option in the preferences to have the game pop up after every unit completed. Simply put, after everything completed, I was simply told that it completed. In PTW I have not been able to do this for units. The game gives a message after...
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