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  1. Yudishtira

    Buildable Mission Rewards

    This is a copy of Pepper's units file altered to give costs to Mission Reward units so they become buildable. Without this, you can never get them except on space scenarios. And without Mission Rewards, a variety of World and National Wonders (and even the odd 'normal' building) are not...
  2. Yudishtira

    Investigation Arithmetic

    1) is about 22 2) is about 2 x 6 = 12 3) no idea: question: do LEs still get this if it's not their city? 4, 5) from alt-mouseover of the criminal, I get 130. The crime autobuilds are certainly included in that. Is there an amount of city insidiousness that is not included here, and if so...
  3. Yudishtira

    Pollution that isn't a joke

    A first attempt to fix pollution so that it has an impact earlier and cannot be totally ignored until Industrial/Modern. The attached file goes in Assets/XML/GameInfo, replacing the file of the same name currently there. It is based on SVN 10427, but since it rarely changes, hopefully I won't...
  4. Yudishtira

    Help! Espionage Dogpile

    I'm trying to keep on a level with the AIs re espionage, but two major civs have their entire espionage output on me - 9000EP between them with me in Renaissance. I'm trying not to use the slider because I'd like to gain ground in tech or at least not lose any more. So I've got all but three of...
  5. Yudishtira

    Especially annoying "ads"

    Every so often I get taken through an (presumably) 'ad' portal called dollarcreative, which takes me to some multi-popup site telling lies about my online security. I haven't clicked on anything. I'm sure you haven't contracted with any advertiser to let them basically behave like malware...
  6. Yudishtira

    Techs vs. Natural Disasters!!!

    I'm used to techs setting you back a bit, by obsoleting a building, a resource or a wonder. For the most part, it adds to the game that you decide when to tech that tech with that in mind. However, in some cases there is indisputably a problem. Consider these effects and compare them to a...
  7. Yudishtira

    The "Don't Be Scared of the" Python Playpen Thread

    A safe place for beginners to be encouraged to mod C2C Python. Currently testing this enhancement to the Montreal Biodome. u_lion = gc.getInfoTypeForString("UNIT_SUBDUED_LION") u_panther = gc.getInfoTypeForString("UNIT_SUBDUED_PANTHER") u_wolf =...
  8. Yudishtira

    Abandoning Slavery

    I have long wondered what happens when you abandon the slavery worldview. Now that I'm in the industrial era, I thought I'd do the experiment, half expecting the game not to be able to handle it. Or that my entire empire (77 cities) would instantly dissolve into individual city-states, due to...
  9. Yudishtira

    Do you ever finish a game?

    I just "won" (rather than finished as I'm still only in the Renaissance) my game Hidalgo of Aotearoa that I've been playing since April-ish. Finished games are discussed so rarely on C2C, so I took the liberty of starting this whole thread about it. :rolleyes: Discuss all your finished games...
  10. Yudishtira

    City Screen Checklist

    Call me crazy :D, but this is the checklist I go through in every city screen, every turn. (I adopted this checklist in the Classical Era, so its applicability in other eras may be diminished) 1. Crime: will the town reach 75 crime in the next 10 turns at the current rate? If so, add a crime...
  11. Yudishtira

    Invisible Units (Rogues etc.) Answers Thread

    I'm hoping this thread will over time develop into one that answers all questions about invisible units. So far, I've found out that (please do correct me if I have any of these 'facts' wrong :lol:): 1. Rogues can be seen by dog units and other invisible units. Other animals and animal units...
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