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  1. Al Zan


  2. Al Zan

    MSN problems

    Has anyone here have problems with MSN Messenger today?Liking you try to log in and but your not log in.Suff like that..
  3. Al Zan

    Rome in the 1800s!

    hello! i am planing to make a scenaicowith Rome as power during the 1800s! i'll useing a world map! Rome will be a power not a super power.................this means Rome will not rule North Africa ,Trukey and the Middle East(i will go into detail later.........) but the Roman will...
  4. Al Zan

    Roman Citys

    can someone show me a list of roman citys,beside the civs one!
  5. Al Zan

    why is Singapore not part of Malaysia?

    i don't get why is Singapore its own nation? why did it break off from Malayisa? can someone please expain why is Singapora its own Nations.
  6. Al Zan


    how many Civ Games will be made by the time you die? i say more then 20 Civ Games!
  7. Al Zan

    Rise of the Ottoman

    hello i am planing to a make a game base on the Rise of Ottoman. the start right before you take over Constantinople. i have one problem, i need one map of the Middle East and Europe together. can someone help me find a map of Europe and the Middle East?
  8. Al Zan

    Europa Univeralis II

    how is Europa Univeralis II ? is it a good game to buy?
  9. Al Zan

    Russia Civil War

    i am planing a game about the Russia Civil War(1917-1920) i need to know who the big player in the war like the Red Army and other
  10. Al Zan


    what happen in the civil war of Russia during(1917-20?)
  11. Al Zan


    What so great about nationalism! what's your veiws on this topic?
  12. Al Zan


    hey the shogun doe not have citys in it at the start.
  13. Al Zan

    Amry Sizes of the 80s

    what size of USSR,USA,Warsaw Pact,China,and NATO armys during the 1980s? i need this info for a cold war scenario.
  14. Al Zan


    what books are you reading now?
  15. Al Zan


    when do you think it time to stop posting forever?
  16. Al Zan

    Down with the 512 city limit!

    Tonigth i was makeing my Cold War scenario, i was putting citys in TETurkhan map......then the dam 512 city limits came up! i said that next civ game should have a higher limit in city or take it out compete! what are your thought on this topic?
  17. Al Zan

    favorites shows

    what is your favorites T.V. show?
  18. Al Zan

    Civ 3 Hook

    when did you get hook on civs? as for me when i was only 11 year old on Civ2 for Play Station!
  19. Al Zan


    When did Hungary join Germany in WW2?
  20. Al Zan


    Who still plays 80s Games? i myself still play them.
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