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  1. B

    do u let your citys go un happy at all

    how happy should i keep them
  2. B

    is there any tips for playing on a single land mass

    when i play on a single land mass is there any tips that i should use the other countrys r pretty aggresive im playing on KING
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    what is the point of a research agreement

    how does it benefit u to do so
  4. B

    small continents 10 players if link doesnt work ask for a invite
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    Help! i cannot beat the game on hard what should i do

    i always get close but i cant match the military of the other nations they r to just to big i keep dying what can i do is there any tips
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    is there just boards u can not beat

    sometimes i start games that i think i can not win i either get jumped by 2 or more nations or im sandwiched in between 2 nations are these games beatable
  7. B

    A Dictionary of abbreations

    hey im new to the board and i dont under stand anything anyone is saying is there a dictionary u could put up so i can understand
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