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  1. R

    Civ III no modern

    Hello all. Would like to eliminate the modern technology from Civ II. enjoy fighting wars with tanks and bombers etc but that rarely lasts long enough till the introduction of SAM sights and mech inf etc. Any tips/ existing mods etc? Thanks in advance.
  2. R


    I've created a scenario which I wanted to give a bit of a civil war era flavour. So I wanted to make several different infantry options available for production. So I thought changing medieval infantry would help with this. I changed the attack and defence, changed the name and changed the...
  3. R

    Missing buttons

    Hi all civvers glad to see there are still people playing Civ III :) I am currently in editor and I have 2 questions first of all, how to bring up minimap? Second of all, I seem to be missing a couple of button options. On the right of 'select overlay' it goes straight to brush size. In a...
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    Hi, like probably most of you my work email gets bombarded with SEO offers from India. Generally I ignore them but have I've know a guy who got an app done by some guy in India, said he did an awesome job and cost a fraction of the price. Then theres that story about the guy in America who...
  5. R

    funny internet happenings: My browser doesn't work anymore

    For some reason I can't do 2 things on the net anymore. firstly, can't open a second similtaneous page while on the net, secondly it wont let me go back to previos pages (recent pages- top left hand corner). Have I accidently downloaded something? or disengaged something. Pls help.
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    ANZAC Day

    Today is the aniversary of the 1915 invasion of the Dardenelles. Not too many campaigns could emphasise the pointlessness of war better than this one. RIP all those Australian, Kiwi, British, French and Turks who died during these 9 months.
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    Cities questions

    I know this has probably been answered a dozen times before but anyway..... I can't get my cities to grow. I give ém irrigation, build little cottages, granaries, aqueducts but my cities are always dwarved by my nieghbours. Its 1900 and all Ive got is 5s and 12s everywhere. I'm sick of being...
  8. R

    Half attack theory

    I don't go in to overrun all their lands and put them out of the game entirely but just to slow them up a bit. A big stack of cav or a few landings on an island to take out several of their big cities and then seeking peace. Not sure if this works in slowing them up much but sure is fun...
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    HMAS Sydney found!

    A wreck off the west coast of Australia has been identified as the HMAS Sydney, sunk with all hands during WWII. The Sydney approached the Komoron, at the time disguised as a Dutch freighter in November 1941. When challenged, the Komoron ran up her German colours and opened fire. The...
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    Wrong volume

    I recently bought a copy of civ 3 on ebay (probably my first mistake), but when I put it in my drive, windows tells me its the 'wrong volume'. The disc must have something on it because its identified as civ III so its not a total dud. I owned this game years ago and I only recall having 1...
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    civ2?, civ3?

  12. R

    Micheal Jackson

    Will Micheal Jackson go to jail? I find it hard to believe myself (him going to jail-not the charges). I think he'll get found guilty of one of the lesser charges and cop a fine or community service or something.
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    Best Trilogy

    I'll start off the voting with 1 foir the original Star Wars trilogy. The Godfather comes in second and LOTR is a very distant last.
  14. R

    Howard won

    I was hoping some of the undecided voters would remeber all of arrogant Howards lies and just go Labour on the day but I spose the attitude is: better the devil you know! Congrats Johnny. Leading up to the election it looked closer than it turned out to be and the Libs weren't always the...
  15. R


    I've read a bit a bout WW2 and one aspect of it that has always baffled me is the Commonwealth defeat at Singapore. On 15th Feb, 1942 roughly 100,000 British, Australian and Indian troops under Gen Percival surrendered to the Japanese after a breif fight. The British were under a lot of...
  16. R

    Pop up help

    I keep getting these annoying pop-ups. One of them completly freezes my computer which can suck if I'm half way through posting of CFC. I've looked up some sites to get downloads but some you have to pay for and others are innefective. Anyone got any advice? (apart from 'don't visit porn...
  17. R

    Fantasy commander

    If you could command any military body of men, in any period of history. Who would they be? Mine would either be The Grande Armee attacking Russia, Southern Armies During the civil war, or Army group south in the Summer of '42.
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    Hitler and Stalin in wax

    I saw on the news last night there was some art exhibition in Berlin with wax statues. Amongst other things it depicted 'the big 3' in their famous photo from their Yalta conference. In the background a wax Hitler looked on. The artist was slammed for putting Hitler is his art show. Not...
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    Hows the weather?

    Its been really hot lately right here, with a bit of rain. Hows the weather where you are?
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    Irwin in trouble

    The flawless Steve Irwin has finally done wrong and its good to see the tall poppy syndrome is still alive and kicking. The hatchets are out and the politicians are getting up on their soap boxes. Steve Irwin knows his crocs and he'd...
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