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Search results

  1. Renata

    NOTW XVII: The Stealer of Souls (restored)

    Welcome to Pinman's grand restoration experiment for zxcvbnm's The Stealer of Souls. I will be your host and tour guide for this bit of fun, as the original GM was abducted by aliens left forum games some time ago. For reference, the sign-up and comment thread is here (formatted text file is...
  2. Renata

    News: Civ 3 SGOTM 14 -- Results and Congratulations

    SGOTM 14 Humanitarian Portuguese Domination Some six months ago, four teams -- Elite, Ivan, Klarius and Spooks -- set out on an epic journey of domination with a humanitarian twist, the goal to take over the world as quickly as possible while yet leaving alive as many civilizations as...
  3. Renata

    NOTW XXIII: The War Party. Game Thread.

    The War Party GAME OPEN Renata sat at her table in her tent eating a late supper, walking stick securely by her side. Darkness had fallen some time ago; an unusually dense darkness, what with the lack of visible moon or stars. The brazier she had lit did little to push back the feeling of...
  4. Renata

    NOTW XXIII: The War Party -- Sign-up Thread

    The girl ran through the ancient forest. With every step, her lungs burned and her muscles ached. She was young and strong, but she had been running for days. The girl's family were Ljosalfar – or so all the elders claimed – but the hilly border area where she had lived had been so...
  5. Renata

    Where did everybody go?

    It seems like everyone has dropped off the face of the planet since last week. Other than me and Earthling, I'm hard pressed to think of anyone who's made a comment longer than a sentence since then. This has to change. Right now I seem to be in charge of planning the details of our internal...
  6. Renata

    Poll: worker or workboat?

    We start a new build next turn, and there has been some difference of opinion as to whether a worker or a workboat would be best to do next. The discussion is at the end of the internal affairs thread. Feel free to add your arguments, too.
  7. Renata

    Departamento da Informação Estratégica

    Welcome to all you snoops, spies, and demographics crunchers. This is where we try to figure out what the other teams are doing. Knowledge is power! The basics on our opponents: Team 1 (Kazakhstan): Elizabeth. Financial/Philosophical. Redcoat (Rifleman), Stock Exchange (Bank). Starts with...
  8. Renata

    Turnplayers Wanted!

    Post here if you have any interest in playing upcoming turns. Comments on your general availability ("I'm always bored on Tuesdays") would be useful as well, so we know who to PM if we get in a pinch. :D I'll start with myself: I would very much like to play some of the turns, especially in...
  9. Renata

    Connection Test Save

    DaveShack has set up a test save for anyone to test out the connection, login mechanics and such. It's for simultaneous turns, so all teams will be able to log in. Link is here. Now I just need to figure out how to install PitBoss ...
  10. Renata

    power supply?

    So my desktop froze while trying to load a CIV autosave, and I had to hit the little black button of doom. After the computer shut down, when I tired to restart it, it just sort of whirred and clicked at me and didn't get very far. The first screen image would flash on, but then the screen...
  11. Renata


  12. Renata


    Qwyzzle Anyone playing this? I'm finding it awfully addictive.
  13. Renata

    Abramoff pleads guilty

    CNN link It's a long article; you can read it there. The first couple paragraphs: I find "agreed to cooperate" to be very interesting. That's him and Scanlon both willing to spill their guts (or the contents of their emails anyway). Could get interesting.
  14. Renata

    Texas denial-of-life-support law gets used again.

    Remember during the whole Terri Schiavo mess, when it was pointed out that George Bush had signed into law in Texas a measure that would allow hospitals to remove life support from patients who could not pay based solely on doctors' opinions, without any allowance being made for the family's or...
  15. Renata

    Culture borders

    Can anyone explain how cultural borders work when there's a competition going on over tiles? I can't figure it out. For instance, in my last game, I conquered half of Spain, leaving them only one small city on the same continent and a few more on an island. The continental city (Valencia) was...
  16. Renata

    Abandoning city?

    Any way to abandon a city? I captured one from Spain in my current game that I should really have just razed. (Marginal territory, no resources commanded, basically just a maintenance burden.) Any recourse, or am I stuck with it?
  17. Renata

    Idiot question -- XP

    How can I find out what service pack of Windows XP (if any) I have on my computer? I *think* I installed SP2 at some point, but I can't figure out where to look to verify it.
  18. Renata

    COTM 13: Bringing the Fox to Bay (final Hunting Tips thread)

    COTM13: Bringing the Fox to Bay (final Hunting Tips thread) This thread is for Conquest-level players who need a little extra help with their game. Players seeking help should ideally have reached the Modern Age in order to post in this thread, but in a pinch, may ask for advice provided...
  19. Renata

    COTM13: Final Spoiler

    COTM13: Final Spoiler Here's where you let it all hang out. As you may have noticed, if you're not pro-active in taking control, this map only gets harder as the game goes on. How did it go for you? You must have submitted your final save to the GOTM upload site in order to read this...
  20. Renata

    COTM13: The Hunt Continues (middle ages)

    General "hunting tips" rules may be found in the Hunting Tips thread. Please read the first post in that thread before posting here. Any conquest-class player is free to post their saves in this thread. Ideally, they should have reached the start of the industrial ages, but if they feel that...
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