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  1. K

    poll: how much ice do you put in your drinks?

    This is for iced drinks like sodas and iced tea. Let's assume it's not free refills, but you are getting your own ice and drink from the dispenser. A good example is a gas station or 7-11. Let me be a little more clear: what percentage of the cup do you fill with ice before dispensing the soda...
  2. K

    Best TV shows past and present (netflix must watch)

    Past Breaking Bad Battlestar Galactica (remake 2003) House (Gregory House, M.D.) Banshee Dexter Prison Break The Borgias Smallville Angel Kung Fu (David Carradine) Cowboy Bebop (mature japanese anime) Neon Genesis Evangelion (mature japanese anime) Present Game of Thrones...
  3. K

    What do you think of my diplo strategy?

    Goal: Diplomatic victory - Emperor difficuluty - continents map - "large" map (10 civs) Background info: I've never gone for a diplomatic victory, but I've gotten a domination victory on emperor difficulty - Earth map. I got all the victory types on prince difficulty (accept for diplo of...
  4. K

    How fast can turns get?

    I have a low-budget laptop and I am waiting about 30 seconds between turns on average. Are their any folks with high-end PCs that just blink from one turn to the next, or does everyone wait a while no matter how high-end their rig is?
  5. K

    What should I do now (for fun?)

    Hi everyone. It's my first post on this forum. (and happy holidays.) I just (finally) beat the game (Domination) for the first time on all the default settings: Prince, 8 civs, 16 city states, continents (there were 4!). I've gotten all the other victory types except Diplomatic (that's just...
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