I have Civ IV Complete Edition (includes Warlords + BtS) patched to 3.19 and installed on Vista Home. I have downloaded the latest BUG version.
Still going through all the options to get it to show what I want but I have one question:
How do I save the settings I choose?
I bought Civ IV as soon as it was released after being incredibly addicted to Civ III. I was never a fantastic player of Civ III, I used to play on Monarch but would get beat most of the time and the few times I would win would be by score.
Civ IV from the box wouldnt work on...
This thread is to detail my first PBEM game. Feel free to laugh and mock at my ineptitude!!
Havent settled yet need to move locations to be on the coast. (I read that its not worth starting 1 square in from the coast?)
I have just finished a game that lasted for a week and got up to about 2200 AD. I was testing different types of warfare that were suggested in The Academy.
Among them was the long drawn out air campaign to destroy links to neighbouring civs, towns and resources. Followed by a slow advance...
I am new to PTW and have yet to play a PBEM game. I have two weeks off work so if anyone wants a PBEM game then email me with the game settings or whatever you have to do and i will attempt to whip your ass.
I am in the UK
Version 1.14f
e-mail: benandvictoria@hotmail.com :D
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