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  1. P

    How bad do generalist cities do in Civ 6?

    Note: I don't own the game. I'm considering buying if it gets a 50% off sale. The only info I have is what I've read on the Civ 6 wikia and a few posts here and on reddit. So EXPECT a lot of misunderstandings below. :) *************** I was looking through the strategies for setting up...
  2. P

    Seemingly simple, actually hard

    I want to make a scenario, for my own play-style. I don't want to change the various game values. I simply want to alter a random map, and lock where the starting players begin. Seems simple, right? But I've been trying for two years, and my computer freezes every time I start a game with...
  3. P

    Fire Tuner and World Builder questions

    I like to set up scenarios for myself to play. I've created a dozen different scenarios, but each one has caused Civ 5 to freeze. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? 1) Create the map. 2) Add civilization starting points. 3) Save map. 4) Go into ModBuddy (or whatever it's called)...
  4. P

    Terrain strategy?

    I've seen it often: Plains > Grasslands (etc.) Can someone take the time to explain all the preferred terrains to me? I think it has to do with Golden Ages (i.e., a tile that has hammers and gold is better than a tile that has only one of them, and a tile that has only one of them is...
  5. P

    Idea: Great People buildings don't require citizens

    One of the complaints against the Academy is that, after sacrificing a Great Scientist to get it, you've also got to use a citizen who might be better employed working a farm, a trading post, or a mine. So how about making the GP-buildings auto-employed? If you want the underlying terrain...
  6. P

    Babylon download: How many times?

    Seems like every two or three times I start Civ 5, Steam downloads the Babylon files. Again. And again. And again... How many times does it take to get it right? I've used Babylon and the map, and they work, so the problem is...?
  7. P

    New achievements?

    No text explaining what they are, but: Six Degrees of Sid Inconceivable! Diplomat I have a feeling that the last one will be about forming alliances with city-states. Not sure about the other two.
  8. P

    Medieval era, and STILL only 3 cities...?

    And at the second-easiest level. Yikes! I really suck. :-) I have to keep producing military units, because I have the map on Huge/West-vs.-East with only two civilizations (me as Greece, and the AI as Russia) and 28 City-States. I have a a band of City-States along the north border and...
  9. P

    Mod download error

    "The server does not support the necessary HTTP protocol. Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) requires that the server support the Range protocol header." I'm trying to download Dale Kent's World At War mod. I managed to download his Maps of the World map-pack. I'm not sure...
  10. P

    Ruins convert scout into archer

    But scout/archer retains "Ignores Terrain Cost" special. Cool. :-) Sadly, I have to be careful to not send my archer far, far ahead of my spearman and Great General.
  11. P

    First-day achievements

    Looking through my Steam account, it seems I've accomplished 9 achievements already. None of them particularly GOOD accomplishments, but... Say Hello to My Little Friend (allied with a city-state) Engineer (build a wonder) Moving On Up (earn a unit promotion) Second City (found a second...
  12. P

    Advanced Game Setup bug?

    I set up a Four Corners map, with four players: myself (as Alexander of Greece), Elizabeth of England, Washington of America, and Napoleon of France. Imagine my surprise, therefore, when I encountered Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon (I have the Deluxe version) and Hiawatha of Iroquois. Who invited...
  13. P

    Policies: Which ones are "must haves," which are "avoid at all costs"?

    In the "Ars Technica review" thread, I did a short analysis of why it might be a good idea to hit Piety, even if you eventually plan on going for Rationalism (extra happiness, more culture/policy picks, more golden ages, all lasting for potentially two or three eras). So I will consider...
  14. P

    City-States putting out "contracts" on rivals?

    How often will that happen? I'm planning on playing as Greece my first time (good ancient/classical units and a bonus with city-states), but I've heard (in several interviews) that city-states will put out "contracts" on rival city-states. It's going to make it hard to get on good terms with...
  15. P

    Great Scientist: Academy vs Discover Tech

    According to the game manual, a great scientist can "Discover Tech" on any tech for which you have the prerequisites--it doesn't have to be the one you're currently researching, you'll be provided a list. (Max by era: 70 in Ancient, 150 in Classical, 440 in Medieval, 1425 in Renaissance, 2200...
  16. P

    Terrain "core combat" promotions

    Someone in the "I got the strategy guide" discussion mentioned that, in comparison to Civ 4's "Combat I-VI," with their always-active "+10% to combat strength," Civ 5's "Accuracy/Barrage/Drill/Shock I-III" are pretty all-or-nothing. They provide a bonus... if the enemy is in the right kind of...
  17. P

    100 hours and counting...

    Twelve hours ago, it was 100 hours and counting until the game unlocks. Now we're almost down to 88 hours (3pm PST, 11pm GMT, 9/17/10). Shall we keep the countdown going? :-)
  18. P

    Chances of using all 36 city tiles...?

    I doubt it's possible, but it'd be interesting to see what one looks like. It would be awesome, though. :-)
  19. P

    Steam DRM and suddenly malfunctioning CD burners?

    I recently purchased a game off of Steam (Europa Universalis 3, if it matters). A few days later, my CD-R/DVD-ROM drive on my laptop wouldn't read any discs any more. It's been a month or two since I tried to use my CD drive, so it could be other problems. However, I've heard that some DRM...
  20. P

    Examine city option in governor/raze dialog?

    It's been a while since I've captured a city, but I seem to recall we're only given the option of "burn baby burn" or "install governor." That's fine, but what if I want to examine the city first? How do I know what the city has (e.g., wonders of the world), if I can't examine it?
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