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  1. C

    [BNW] How do I go about modifying the bonuses received from befriending/allying City States?

    Newbie modder here. I simply want to edit what you get from befriending/allying CS, e.g. +2 Food in your Capital when befriending a Maritime CS. I have no idea where to even begin. The only thing I found is in the CIV5MinorCivilizations.xml in the Gameplay file, in the MinorCivilizations table...
  2. C

    [BNW] Question about obtaining map size

    If I want to make an lua script which checks for map size (in this case, Duel) before creating a certain building, should I use the following? (I made a different building for different mapsizes in order to scale their effect by map size.) function addBuilding(vHexPos, iPlayer, iCity...
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