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  1. V

    Raging barbs in domination games

    After some friendly advise I am considering the Germany DCL. Three salient features of this map (besides the leader) are raging barbs and Although there is some tangential discussion of this in the thread, I would like to get some opinions about the consequences of raging barbs for the...
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    How does last turn of world fair / international games go?

    I'm confused by the build / turn order for international projects. It said something like "98% complete, you contributed 1400". That turn I still built it in all cities, but in the final tally I was still at 1400. Is the following true: 1. Player builds at start of hist own turn, which in...
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    Stopping war with allied CS?

    I always though that if I allied a CS, friendly AIs would stop attacking it, but I guess that is only the case if the reason they were at war is because they were at war with the previous ally (?) Is there a way to convince an AI to stop killing "my" CS? It's not listed in the diplomacy "make...
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    Citadel territory gains lost after razing city

    I built a citadel two tiles from the city of a future enemy to acquire a luxury and to make future conquest easier (and as a bonus, it closed off a peninsula with another opponent on it). When I subsequently captured and razed the enemy city, the tiles I gained were lost again! I didn't know...
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    "X has not built a capital" after CS capture - needed for domV?

    In the DCL31 game, a city state captured the capital of one of the civs. I would normally assume that I would have to re-capture it to get my domV, but interestingly the victory progress screen lists it as "has not build a capital city". Do I still need to capture it to get a domination victory?
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    Deity advise: boxed in Poland

    I am trying to move up to deity. The DLC is really nice and I've read a lot of the maps, but they seem aimed at something a little above my level (although I completed the babylon OCC). So, I rolled a small; deity small continents start as poland with what seemed to be a reasonable starting...
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    hapiness and warfare

    I'm trying out a keshik-driven domination on a small (6 civ) plains map. Interestingly, my biggest problem is happiness: my mongol hordes seem to be closet pacifists, and with every conquest they grow more restless. As an observation, I think it is really strange that a warring kingdom would...
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    local happiness cap and why india sucks

    I am playing my first game as India (small, small continents, emperor) and am running into trouble in the late game because of the local happiness cap. When I first looked at India, e.g. using the guide on the war academy, I naively thought that India had a "break even" happiness at city size...
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    Attilla's revenge - now on earth18

    Hey all, I decided to run my first public game by combining the seemingly most popular ones: KOTW and Mad's (previous) RPG: Attilla's revenge. The settings are simple: Earth 18, epic speed, Real Always War, no random events, and immortal Atilla, Khan of the Mongolian Golden Horde. I've...
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    Earth18 OCC - Montezuma

    Earth 18 is a fun map - with some known issues - and OCC's are a fun way to play a quick game with a different twist. This game I will play OCC on the earth18 map using a difficult lead - beloved Monty of the Aztecs. I play epic speed and immortal difficulty. OCC on huge maps is in...
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    Linux and Civ V

    I currently run Civ IV on a ubuntu desktop using wine and I sometimes hear other people saying the same. After applying some 'winetricks' documented on the Internet I am running the latest patch and BUFFY mod without problem, and it seems as fast as when I still used Windows. I thought it...
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    tips for "religious economy"

    I thought I would experiment a bit with using religion as a major source of gold for running an empire. I am halfway into an emperor level game which is going ok, not too bad since I am normally an emp/imm level player and this is my first shot and really using religion The things I did...
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    Rule change: Reveal classical resources earlier?

    Something that I was thinking about yesterday: since copper and iron (and horse?) can be very critical resources that require a tier 2/3 tech to reveal, it can be quite a gamble to tech BW/IW before you know whether that will help defense; and settling your second or third city to find out 20...
  14. V

    Cultural boundaries question

    I have a question about cultural boundaries: Paris just attained legendary culture, but for some reason it refuses to gobble up more of england: I had hoped to catch the oil, but I guess that is out of reach. When the German city on the iron still existed it gave 100% german, 0%...
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    Separate subforum for sample games?

    A lot of threads in the strategy and tips forum are now sample games: the ALC, various RPC's, etc. These games are really fun to read and very useful in understanding how certain strategies work, and I believe they certainly belong in this strategy and tips forum. However, I think we should have...
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    Raging Barbarians

    I started playing a couple games on epic/immortal/small pangea with the raging barbarians option on, and I am completely surprised at how much impact that has. For example, my last game I built worker -> archer -> archer, sent my warrior off to explore and kept both archers for defending my...
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    How to react to a "possible" invasion

    I was playing a bts immortal small med+small map and was in the early astronomy period as vikings - invading the weakest enemy for land and resources using berserkers, galleons, and frigates. When I was almost done I spotted a fleet of galleons and frigates from a neutral third party, that...
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    1.08 patch fixes black terrain issue

    Dear Civvies, I was one of the unlucky people wanting to run Civ4 on my laptop with a Intel graphics card without hardware TnL, resulting in the black terrain and chesire leaderheads problems described in frustrated detail on this forum. I just downloaded the 1.08 patch (following a link...
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    Autosave - cheat or utility?

    Dear Forum members, I've been lurking for way too long now so I thought it'd be fun to start a controversial thread. The easy thing to say is that loading the autosave except for after a system crash or similar occasion always constitutes cheating. My thesis is: Under certain (strict)...
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