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  1. maconnolly

    How to efficiently test a mod

    I've been away a while and it feels like I need a bit of a brain jump-start to get myself back into my modding project. Code-wise, I'm back up to full-steam-ahead but it dawned on me that in my earlier work I never really nailed what I felt was an efficient, nor effective, method for testing my...
  2. maconnolly

    [RESOLVED] Granting UAs and UUs to additional civilizations

    This is a fairly simple question - is it possible to grant an existing Unique Ability and/or a Unique Unit to additional civilizations? As a simple example, could I grant the Aztec Eagle Warrior to, say, England? I thought I would be able to do this, simply by assigning the relevant trait as a...
  3. maconnolly

    [RESOLVED] Rider of mounted unit not appearing in-game

    I wonder if anyone can find my mistake - as there no doubt is (at least) one. I've been attempting to stitch together a new mounted unit, using existing assets from the Civiliazation VI Assets library. I thought I understood how it worked - and have successfully applied the same logic to...
  4. maconnolly

    Correct sizes for Unit and Unit Portrait icons

    OK, so I'm fairly confused. The game specifies a number of sizes of atlas for each of the Unit and Unit Portrait icon-sets. They are specified clearly and are easy to pick out from the base-game files. For the units, the information is in the Icons_Units.xml and appears as below: For the...
  5. maconnolly

    Custom Civilization - ModBuddy template

    maconnolly submitted a new resource: Custom Civilization - ModBuddy template - Complete ModBuddy project to help you configure a custom civilization for use Vanilla/R&F/GS Read more about this resource...
  6. maconnolly

    Modding as part of a group

    I may be getting ahead of myself, but I've had a long-standing ambition to get 'into' modding Civilization. Primarily, I think there is a lot of room for extra flavour in terms of new civilizations and the flavour that brings with it. I've realised that ambition, to a limited degree, over the...
  7. maconnolly

    Civilization/Leader traits having no effect (modifiers)

    I feel a little disappointed to be returning and asking for help again - as I thought I had 'cracked it' through previous trial and error. I'm creating a Civilization and have a Civilization and Leader trait (or unique ability), which I cannot get to take effect in-game. I believe the code to...
  8. maconnolly

    Loading new artwork into a mod

    Hi all, I have got myself into a state of confusion about artwork. Having managed (with help) to get the mod functional, I can now not get my head around artwork. Specifically, leader artwork. Initially, I tried all sorts of hack-and-slash methods to append the artwork into my mod. Then I gave...
  9. maconnolly

    [GS] Leader UA causes crash to desktop (loading/leader screen)

    Evening all. I hope this community can help. I am attempting to create myself a mod - as much to learn the structure as to harness the improvements to gameplay. To this end, I've set myself a task of creating a new civilization, with a leader. The makeup follows a fairly simplistic/vanilla...
  10. maconnolly

    'Bare minimum' mod: flavour text only

    Hi all, I am hoping you can assist. I am keen to understand the core mechanics behind creating a mod, such that I can begin on a long journey towards creating 'proper' mods. As a starting point, I'm trying to understand what the minimum criteria are for Civilization VI (Gathering Storm, if...
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