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  1. Naokaukodem

    So, what do you expect from Civ7 ?

    Revolutionnary could be seen like ideas there is in my signature, IMO, where the idea is you can basically play every type of faction, especially barbarian/"classical" civs that would live into symbiosis. *But* this idea is mostly unachieved and would take a lot of time to mature possibly...
  2. Naokaukodem

    Gridless Civ ?

    A gridless Civ could allow for an astounding representation of the 3D world that we could explore in first or third person. As to citizens assignations, they could work per hectares for food, and by special locations for production and gold. Couldn't they ?
  3. Naokaukodem

    The Community of "Building" games VS. "Strategy" games

    I must admit it, I'm not a huge fan of strategy games, because I'm probably too impatient. I would totally say that I prefer action games, as long as they are not too hard. I'm more among the audience of console games in fact. But old computers had cool action games too, like Doom and the other...
  4. Naokaukodem

    How do new citizens work ?

    I was wondering (for another post), how new citizens work ? When they appear, do they provide yields the same turn they appear, and if so, in what order the yields computation is done ? Because for them to appear and taking account of what they just produced, you need to compute the food first...
  5. Naokaukodem

    What music do you want for Civ7 ?

    Among the entire series, I recall only two titles that flavored my ears. First one is the obsessive war theme of Civ2 : weither I could find it annoying at times during playing (I never heard the other OST, because I had a ripped version, and even now under Windows 7 with the proper .ISO and...
  6. Naokaukodem

    Instant growth/production VS estimated growth/production

    Currently we have had in the entire series intant growth/production. Now there, it just annoys me when I recall a granary will take 60 turns to build when founding my second city for example as Rome. (free monument) Earlier, this recalls me of silly AI tile assignment management. (which has...
  7. Naokaukodem

    Rivers/Fresh water -> Wells.

    I reinstalled Civ5 VANILLA with Steam the other day (i don't bought the extensions, because multiplayer was prety bad and i bought the game only for multiplayer in the first place, i'm an old fashion gamer, not ideal customer) and I was surprised there were no trade routes but gold on rivers...
  8. Naokaukodem

    Last game rage-quitted and my observations about it.

    I begin. Why do developers want us to play with big cities already ? In Civ3, I played with big cities but that's only because I failed to see the advantage of close cities spamming. (you were able to settle 2 tiles away another city, it is to say with 1 tile separating them) I think you...
  9. Naokaukodem

    Conclusions on playing Civ5-6 back & forth.

    What would you think it has to be kept in 7 from 6 that couldn't go back to 5 ? For me, it's the Eurekas. Don't get me wrong, i'm not totally comfortable with them as a player, and as designing philosophy it doesn't fulfil its goal. (the one I suppose at least : "playing the map" and develop...
  10. Naokaukodem

    AI units that can embark very early even on Prince.

    As the title says, I noticed that AI units can embark in Archipelago map earlier than I do even on Prince difficulty level, eventhough I'm Norway and streamlined for it. It is whatever AI, last time It was Scythia warriors in my island, they were near a city-State but i was allied to it so it...
  11. Naokaukodem

    About time and space...

    What if the game were reasoning in terms of years instead of turns, whenever there still would be turns ? At the biggining, the first 100 years turn would see things evolve dramatically. That would put the player out of his stagnation, especially the stagnation feeling some players like me do...
  12. Naokaukodem


    So last game, Deity, France (Black Queen), everything was smooth and all until I noticed a barbarian quadrireme hitting my scout. Thing is, the barbarian camp from where it spawned was too close from my lands and could trigger barbarians uprisings, as an army I had one scout, one warrior and one...
  13. Naokaukodem

    No e-mail notifications anymore when a new message appears in a thread I posted in, while browser notifications (enabled) still work

    Hello, Well, everything is in the title, or nearly : in the last days (less than a week), I happened to have my newly browser new-posts notifications alert me of some new posts in threads I follow. (i.e. posted in) Thing is, I noticed that the e-mail notifications don't arrive anymore. So, I'm...
  14. Naokaukodem

    Flat choices : it's really one of the marks of the devil for Civ for me.

    What are "flat" choices ? It's when there's a (huge) menu of propositions, each of them that would give you bonuses, that appears and that you can't choose later. Example : Pantheons (I just stopped playing a Prince game because of the pantheons pop up and nothing in particular seemed to be...
  15. Naokaukodem

    Let's rethink single units in terms of armies...

    Let's assume that even early on, our warrior unit is supposed to represent an armed force and fight other humans, thus an army. Armies are usually composed of heteroclite types of units, who have different purposes. Alright. So let's say my first warrior is an army and that all I know of is...
  16. Naokaukodem

    Passable and workable mountains.

    Unpassable mountains would have been nice in Civ3 where you could have big ranges of mountains blocking the way, but still be able to move stacks in valleys or in-between, especially with how corruption worked for city planning. (more variety instead of "circling the capital") With 1 Unit Per...
  17. Naokaukodem

    Small question

    In what language(s) is programmed Civ6 ? Will it be the case for Civ7 too ? With all my sparse time I say myself I could do some modding... but I have to learn how to program first.
  18. Naokaukodem

    Civ6 Overrandomization.

    First, this is not an advise thread. I don't want advises for how to play and such. That put, let's dig deeper into the subject : why that game angries me so much nearly every single time I touch it ? There is multiple reasons. But the biggest in my eyes is the overrandomization of everything...
  19. Naokaukodem

    [Poll] Should gold sliders be back in Civ7 ?

    I would tend to the third answer, although I could reconsiderate it due to the civics tree of Civ6. In Civ4, the player had a 150% bias towards science, and he let the slider at max science as long as this wasn't leading him to banckrupcy. When needed, he could put the slider full gold to...
  20. Naokaukodem

    Teutonic Order as a civ ?

    I'm reading Histoire mondiale de la guerre économique (Worldwide History of the Economic War) and read some passage about the Templiers concluding on the Teutonic Order. Those lasts seem to have grew so big militarily and economically that they ended to form kind of their own state. During my...
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