• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Search results

  1. M

    Tweaking Mods

    Tool: Conquest Editor 0.57 JAR (I forget who did it, but I do recall that it is his cross platform editor. I'm using it on my Mac.) Problem: So far I've been able to tweak unit movement on a couple of mods (I like fast scouts), but my original plan to have said units treat all terrain as roads...
  2. M

    KCKUltimate Problem

    The Ancient biq crashed the game, you can see the report by clicking on the attachment below (Long, isn't it?).
  3. M

    Three Huge Requests for Modders Everywhere

    1. Give the main folder for your mod the same name as the biq. That way they'll stay together in a folder (directory). 2. When compressing your creation for uploading to CivFanatics, Atomic Gamer, wherever; please use a standard compression utility. ZIP it, STUFF it, even RAR it, but for gosh...
  4. M

    History Dynamics Problem

    The Mod is called History Dynamics, the problem is... Any suggestions? (I'm posting a new thread for this problem because searching for the original thread proved too great a hassle.) Update: Much to my surprise, "American_Pyramid" appears in the HD PediaIcon.txt. Seems an error occurred...
  5. M

    A Request

    If you have a corrected, updated, upgraded version of Test IV Time with all the stuff Joel West added could you send me a copy? Contact info available upon request.
  6. M

    The Problem with Camelot

    It keeps crashing the game. Details can be found in the attachment below. (Yes, even the Mac gives lengthy crash reports.)
  7. M

    A Technical Question

    What is the difference between the two error messages below?
  8. M

    Alexander's Conquests Warning

    The scenario is not compatible with the Macintosh version of Civ 3. I just tried installing it on a G5 machine, and got a persistent error message. That is, even after moving a copy of the Otomo Spearman folder from the Play the World Game Data folder to the AC folder I got the same error...
  9. M

    Scenario Idea

    The Great Pacific War: Japan vs. the United States and the Soviet Union, 1920 to 1925 In 1922 Japan was persuaded to evacuate her forces from the Russian Far East. Thus stripped of their protection, the last White Russian stronghold fell to the Reds and the Russian Civil War came to an end...
  10. M

    Poll-Should Aspyr Re-port Civ 3 to the Mac

    The way they originally did it has led to problems whereto scenarios and mods. Oftimes a scenario is not compatible with the Mac edition without a lot of work, and even then a mod or scenario can remain incompatible no matter what you do. So this question; should Aspyr re-port Civ3 to the Mac...
  11. M

    Who Did the Better Job?

    Was it MacSoft or Aspyr? Expound upon your choice in this thread. If you're wondering, I voted for MacSoft. Because, buggy as it was they at least provided an editor. And they didn't mess with the game more than was necessary to port it to the Mac. As a fellow — who's name I've spaced — from...
  12. M

    Recommend a Terrain Set

    What are your favorites, which special terrains go best with it? Do you use a Snoopy base with de Borg elements, or vice versa? Recommend the terrain pack and special terrains you find most pleasing; the forests and mountains, the cities and mines you use most often when playing the game or...
  13. M

    An Alternate Graphic for Burial Rites

    Do you know of any good alternatives to the standard Temple graphic for a Burial Rites advance? I'm asking on behalf of KillCarneyKlansmen and his Ultimate mod.
  14. M

    My Dream Scenario

    To win enough money in the lottery to outright buy the source code for Civ3. I would then release it to the general public and found a company to design and publish a Civ like game. Features? Squares Stacking Religion Diplomacy National Surrender Trade Among others. Easy...
  15. M

    Problems With Scenario Installations

    I'm having trouble opening ToB, when I try I get... Problem is, I use a Mac. Now ordinarily I would move a copy of the folder in question to the ToB folder and then the scenario would open. Didn't work in this case. For, you see, the BIQ is looking for a folder that isn't there. In the...
  16. M

    Problem with Mod and Scenarios

    I am posting this here because not everybody reads the Creation and Customization forums. To keep this simple my problem is that certain scenarios in the KCKultimateCiv3 Mod will not load. I can be sure of one BIQ that will, the KCKultimateCiv3 one, but none of the others. It is not a matter...
  17. M

    A Modding Challenge

    I recently learned that Civ III (both versions) uses both absolute and relative file paths when searching. It is the use of relative file paths that seems to be the problem where Windows v. Mac is concerned; you set up a scenario to use Windows relative file paths that scenario may have trouble...
  18. M

    An Anno Domini Classic Tale

    4000 BC: Winchester founded The people have come together to establish one of our villages as our capital. Because it is my childhood home they are now flocking to the village of Winchester, and so the trappings of government have started to gather there. For this reason we no longer call...
  19. M

    A KCKUltimate Civ III Question

    I would refer you to the download page, but that appears to have up and disappeared. So I guess I'll have to appeal to those who already have the mod. This post concerns Kill Carney Klansmen's KCKUltimate Civ III mod. A mod (I think) for Play the World online. A mod, in addition, that appears to...
  20. M

    Problems with Skell Jell's Civ III Modpack II

    This thread is for me to ask you, the civfanatic, about possible solutions to problems I have with the scenarios Skell Jell put into his second modpack. Before we get started with our first problem scenario, keep in mind that the package came only with the BIQs in question, no other files. Near...
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