• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Search results

  1. A

    Clarification of Take over ai?

    Hi someone in the multiplayer lobby today was saying that take over ai (the feature that will stop people from joining and taking over the ai's spot in multiplayer) will only work if you start with ai's. He said if you start with human players and someone quits, another person can still rejoin...
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    mid - late game lag. The real reason why mutliplayer games never finish.

    For a game that was built for multiplayer from the ground up they did a stellar job, on the first 70 turns or so. I was just thinking about this today, wouldnt it be glorious if around the 250th turn it ran as smooth as it does on the first 70ish. (Im using 70 as a rough estimate). And im...
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    Thanks for fixing the bad peer issue.

    We can play multiplayer again... Yay!
  4. A

    Are they going to fix multiplayer?

    As many of you know the 'bad peer issue' that surfaced after the 1.52 patch, is slowly killing off the multiplayer community. Seems that everyone knows about this error exept for the devs. It has been passed off as a firewall/gamespy issue. Wich anyone who plays the game knows damn well this...
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    Multiplayer Peer issue and its ruining of civ 4 multiplayer

    Does anyone else find it odd that even though the connection issue for multiplayer has been a steady problem since the release of 1.52, there really isnt much about it on the forums? No mention of a fix. Dev's brush the issue aside as either a gamespy issue or a firewall/router issue. That...
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    Heres how to turn on the music!

    I had to choose "custom music folder" under the audio options in game. Then click the browse button and point it to the folder X:\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Assets\Sounds\Soundtrack
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    Wheres the music?

    Does anyone hear backround music playing in game? I get music when i zoom in on a city. Move the screen away from the city and the music goes away.
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    EB Games has Shipped!!

    I just got my UPS tracking number via e-mail. Overnight delivery so it should be here tomorrow. :)
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    EB Games not shipped yet?

    Woke up this morning and checked my preorder status on ebgames. Still says "open". I really hope they just diddnt update the website and it shipped last night. I got overnight shipping and was hoping to get it the same day it was going to be in the stores. Did anyone who pre-ordered for...
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    They have posted system reqirements on apolyads.

    MIMIMUM # Windows 2000/XP with SP1 or higher # Intel Pentium 4- or AMD Athlon CPU with at least 1,2 GHz # 256 MB RAM # 64 MB graphics card with Hardware T&L (GeForce 2/Radeon 7500 or better) # DirectX 7 compatible soundcard # DVD-ROM drive # 1,7 GB free hard disk space RECOMMENDED #...
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    Will you be able to disable the built in VOIP?

    Does anyone know about this, or how it will work? The bitrate?
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    Is conquests going to have even starting locations

    Does anyone know if they have worked at all on fixing the random map generator to provide even starting locations?
  13. A

    No Even Starting Locations In Mp

    I have been reading alot about Civ 3 Conquests. But still no mention of fixing the starting locations. Especially in MP. Im so tired of maps that have 4 people starting in a corner with the rest of the map left to 1 person. A good player can work with any map. This is true, but lets say...
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