Search results

  1. Chairman Meow

    Renaming places that are considered insensitively-named

    In the far northwestern part of Maryland there is a hill that is known as "Negro Mountain," and about forty miles to the east is another hill known as "Polish Mountain." The Maryland state legislature is currently considering a bill that would require both mountains to be renamed. The bill has...
  2. Chairman Meow

    Internet filtering on college campuses

    I was looking at the website of my alma mater and found this blog post by the college president explaining his decision to filter the internet connection for all computers on campus - basically the filter bans anything the college decides is unwanted, such as pornography, gambling sites, and...
  3. Chairman Meow

    Politics and mathematics

    I was recently looking at random old xkcd comics, and found this one: It got me thinking about how it would be possible to politicize mathematics, and I figured the people here who argue about politics could find a way. So, how would you make a political issue out of...
  4. Chairman Meow

    Whenever you think you're having a bad day...

    ...just be glad your day isn't as bad as this guy's day.
  5. Chairman Meow

    Only 6048 days until Warlords...

    So I'm currently using an old Pentium 200 machine to access the Internet (running Damn Small Linux,) while I have my main machine connected to an isolated LAN playing a Civ3 game. Earlier today, I happened to notice this on CFCs site: ... and then I remembered that the machine I'm on has...
  6. Chairman Meow

    Epson printer class-action lawsuit

    If you have an Epson printer, you may be eligible for a $45 settlement from a lawsuit that was filed against Epson over a defect in their printers that cause them to refuse to print if they think the ink cartridge is empty when it isn't. You can collect the settlement either as a $45 credit in...
  7. Chairman Meow

    Civ3 in Win2K in QEMU in Linux

    I'm currently attempting to install Civ3 in Windows 2000, which is running in emulation in Linux. When I run the Setup program, I receive the error "Setup failed to run installation: Class not registered." Has anyone seen this error before, and does anyone know what would cause this error?
  8. Chairman Meow

    Colorado school bans U.S. flag

    Article It's probably not a good sign when the American flag can't be flown on American territory because it might offend someone...
  9. Chairman Meow

    Bush plans to stay as President beyond 2009

    Article Good. This'll prevent any liberal Democrats from taking office. :D
  10. Chairman Meow

    Desktops 2

    Post your weird desktop screenshots. The original thread can be found here. To start the new thread off, here's my current desktop:
  11. Chairman Meow

    Opera announces revolutionary new P2P technology Seems like a very important new technology. I ought to try it some time. I wonder if it's going to be in Opera 8 when it's released?
  12. Chairman Meow

    Executive of Spyware Company Appointed to Privacy Board

    A couple articles on the subject (the quote is from the first one). I'm not sure what the "good fight" that Ms. Kelly refers to is, but if it has anything to do with Gator... I'm reminded of the old saying about the fox guarding the henhouse. I don't see anything good that can come from the...
  13. Chairman Meow

    Lunar eclipse The moon is already partially obscured here. This'll be fun to watch. I don't have a camera here, so I can't take any pictures, but if anyone else has pictures, post them. edit - Another link...
  14. Chairman Meow

    No-War Scenario?

    Has anyone attempted to create a scenario in which war is impossible, and is it possible to create such a scenario? I attempted to make a no-war scenario using locked alliances, but (and I should have forseen this), a turn after starting the game, the game was over because there were no civs...
  15. Chairman Meow

    A somewhat dumb Opera question

    A few days ago I installed Opera, and I was poking around in the menus and accidentally removed the menu bar at the top of the screen. Would any of the Opera users here know how to bring back the menu bar?
  16. Chairman Meow

    An incredibly stupid question...

    I've noticed in someone's signature (I don't remember who), it had the line "I'm obsessed with Civ3, but I draw the line at 'Shell = Civ.exe'". That got me to wondering: what would happen if someone actually changed the "Shell = explorer.exe" line in win.ini to "Shell = Civ.exe"? I figure that...
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