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  1. Gyathaar

    Tool for removing DLC/deluxe extra data from saves

    This tool will strip all info about Babylon and possible future DLC civs (cant guarantee that will work untill there is one ofcourse) from a save so that it can be loaded by a standard civ5 install. The save assumes that the DLC civs are not in the game.. that is not played by the human...
  2. Gyathaar

    WOTM 15 Final Spoiler

    WOTM 15 Final Spoiler Reading Requirements: Completed & Submitted your game. Posting Restrictions: No screenshots nor discussions about locations of modern-age resources
  3. Gyathaar

    WOTM 15 First Spoiler

    WOTM 15 First Spoiler Reading Requirements You must have reached at least 0 AD. You must have met all the civilizations and know roughly where they live. Posting Restrictions Please do not discuss any events post-500 AD.
  4. Gyathaar

    WOTM 13 Final Spoiler

    WOTM 13 Final Spoiler Reading Requirements: Completed & submitted your game. Posting Restrictions: Please don't post screenshots, or discuss, locations of late-game resources (uranium, aluminium).
  5. Gyathaar

    WOTM 13 First Spoiler

    WOTM 13 First Spoiler Reading Requirements: Must have reached at least 0 AD (or been defeated prior) Must have contact with all civilizations on the starting continent, and know the locations of their cultural boundaries. Posting Restrictions Please do not post any details about...
  6. Gyathaar

    News: WOTM 13 Saves Available

    WOTM 13: Isabella This game MUST be played in Warlords patch version 2.13. We will NOT accept any games played under any other patch versions, and you can't play it in vanilla (plain) Civilization4! Further, it MUST be played using the latest version of HOF mod for Warlords. This is...
  7. Gyathaar

    News: WOTM 13 Pre-Game discussion

    WOTM 13: Isabella This game MUST be played in Warlords patch version 2.13. We will NOT accept any games played under any other patch versions, and you can't play it in vanilla (plain) Civilization4! Further, it MUST be played using the latest version of HOF mod for Warlords. This is...
  8. Gyathaar

    Code fix for very slow blockading

    I noticed that using boats to blockade takes very long time... I re-programmed two functions in the DLL to speed it up: void CvUnit::updatePlunder(int iChange) { int iBlockadeRange = GC.getDefineINT("SHIP_BLOCKADE_RANGE"); bool btradeNetChanged[MAX_TEAMS]; bool bOldTradeNet; for...
  9. Gyathaar

    WOTM 11 Final Spoiler

    WOTM 11 Final Spoiler Reading Requirements: Completed & submitted your game. Posting Restrictions: Please don't post screenshots, or discuss, locations of late-game resources (uranium, aluminium).
  10. Gyathaar

    Missing spy mission mouseover info

    Open the attached save.. Make sure right click menus option is turned on (if only happens with this option on) - if you rightclick the first spy of the 2 spies, and click the perform espionage button, then the mouseover info for all spy missions work just fine (click cancel) -...
  11. Gyathaar

    Note to modmakers: 2.08 -> 2.13 patch change

    CvPlot::isCity() changed from taking 1 argument to taking 2 arguments the exe file will call this function sometimes The result of this is if a game patched to 2.13 tries to use a DLL that is compiled for 2.08, then it will eventually crash. So all custom DLLs will have to be recompiled...
  12. Gyathaar

    WOTM 11 First Spoiler

    WOTM 11 First Spoiler Reading Requirements: You must have reached at least 0 AD. Posting Restrictions You must not discuss any events post 500 AD. Try to limit screenshots to the nearby regions of the map (your region, and the hub, possibly nearby land across water). How is warfare on a...
  13. Gyathaar

    News: WOTM 11 Saves available

    WOTM 11: Stalin This game MUST be played in Warlords patch version 2.08. We will NOT accept any games played under any other patch versions, and you can't play it in vanilla (plain) Civilization4! Further, it MUST be played using the latest version of HOF mod for Warlords. This is...
  14. Gyathaar

    News: WOTM 11 Pre-Game Discussion

    WOTM 11: Stalin This game MUST be played in Warlords patch version 2.08. We will NOT accept any games played under any other patch versions, and you can't play it in vanilla (plain) Civilization4! Further, it MUST be played using the latest version of HOF mod for Warlords. This is currently...
  15. Gyathaar

    WOTM 10 Final Spoiler

    WOTM 10 Final Spoiler Reading Requirements: Completed & submitted your game. Posting Restrictions: Please don't post screenshots, or discuss, locations of late-game resources (uranium, aluminium).
  16. Gyathaar

    CIV BTS Preview/Interview on Gamespy (June 22) A few new screenshots in the gallery.. (including Boudicia leaderhead):
  17. Gyathaar

    WOTM 10 First Spoiler

    WOTM 10 First Spoiler Reading Requirements: You must have reached at least 0 AD. You must know the general location of the majority of other civs. Posting Restrictions You must not discuss any events post 500 AD. Try to limit screenshots to the coastal regions or nearest areas of the map...
  18. Gyathaar

    News: WOTM 10 Saves available

    WOTM 10: Churchill This game MUST be played in Warlords patch version 2.08. We will NOT accept any games played under any other patch versions, and you can't play it in vanilla (plain) Civilization4! Further, it MUST be played using the latest version of HOF mod for Warlords. This is...
  19. Gyathaar

    News: WOTM 10 Pre-Game Discussion

    WOTM 10: Churchill This game MUST be played in Warlords patch version 2.08. We will NOT accept any games played under any other patch versions, and you can't play it in vanilla (plain) Civilization4! Further, it MUST be played using the latest version of HOF mod for Warlords. This is...
  20. Gyathaar

    WOTM 09 Final Spoiler

    WOTM 09 Final Spoiler Reading Requirements: Completed & submitted your game. Posting Restrictions: Please don't post screenshots, or discuss, locations of late-game resources (uranium, aluminium).
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