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Search results

  1. Khift

    So I built the Great Wall

    But Montezuma still got into my territory. What gives?
  2. Khift

    A caving journal

  3. Khift

    A caving journal

    Not humor, I know, but this is the best place to put this. http://www.holyshiite.com/caver/index.html I want to go caving someday.
  4. Khift

    A profound conspiratorial truth in Iraq and Afghanistan?

    http://www.projectcensored.org/publications/2005/4.html Although I do not care for the website, the articles it posts are simply astounding. This... is the kind of thing that makes you want to do something drastic.
  5. Khift

    The Picture of Everything

    http://thepictureofeverything.com/ I honestly can't imagine how much time that must've taken. But by god, its awesome. So awesome... My favorite part? The White House is overlooking the Garden of Earthly Delights.
  6. Khift

    John Taylor Gatto - Ever heard of him?

    John Taylor Gatto is an amazing man. But I'll spare you of my descriptions, because they can hardly do anything justice, let alone Gatto. Instead, I'll simply link to you an article I found called the Six-Lesson Schoolteacher, about the six vital things you are taught in your time spent in...
  7. Khift


    Link. Knock yourselves out.
  8. Khift

    An awesome, if slightly bloody, movie.

    http://www.hugi.is/hahradi/bigboxes.php?box_id=51208&f_id=1000 While it may not seem funny at first, give it a couple minutes - it pays off. And don't worry if you don't speak German - the humor lies in the images.
  9. Khift

    Red vs. Blue special: Real Life vs. the Internet

    http://www.redvsblue.com/ Scroll down to the "A little something to fill the gap" post with the RvB_NYC2.mov file, download, and watch. Don't forget to laugh, either. You can also check the episodes, but you'd have better luck finding them at this site because the Red vs Blue site only...
  10. Khift

    Wonders and Golden Ages

    I once read that if you complete a wonder, and that wonder has the same traits as your civilization, there is a chance of entering a Golden Age. I had this happen to me once when I played the English and built the Great Lighthouse, and another time when I played the Sumerians and I built the...
  11. Khift

    A puzzle to be reckoned with

    http://www.thisisnotporn.com And don't worry - it really isn't porn.
  12. Khift


    To be honest with you, I've only ever played with three governments: Despotism, Monarchy, and Communism. Republic and Democracy have never appealed to the warmonger within me. However, this has left me ignorant in the ways of governments. I realize that Fascism is better than Communism in small...
  13. Khift

    Trading Territory Maps and Radio

    Having just gotten C3C, I installed it and the latest patch I could find (1.20). I started up a game, and got something really odd. Was playing the russians, and so, it told me I started with Pottery, Bronze Working, and Radio. Bit of a double take there, although I must say I was disappointed...
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