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  1. Kozmos

    Trump: The Other 1361 Days

    Since the first 100 days are long gone by now, I thought we should have yet another thread that encompasses all things POTUSsential. To kick things off, I present to you an interview of Trump with the Economist: Here's a few choice excerpts...
  2. Kozmos

    Warmongering needs to inspire fear as well

    The warmonger maluses have been bugging me for a long time across many civs and I think I finally realized why. They are one-sided punishments for actions you usually choose to do, but sometimes are forced upon you when you get tired of other civs just dragging you into war every 200 years so...
  3. Kozmos

    Hypo: Cruel and unusual punishments

    Lets say we have this small subset of convicted prisoners who have proven extremely resistant to rehabilitation and have consistently engaged in violent acts with zero remorse or any other number of especially heinous crimes. Now lets add we have figured out a way to inflict something much like...
  4. Kozmos

    Study: Average Person Becomes Unhinged Psychotic When Alone In Own House

    Study: Average Person Becomes Unhinged Psychotic When Alone In Own House Link:,33762/ Satire aside, it strikes me very hard how true this is. I think this is why I prefer to be alone at home. Allows me to...
  5. Kozmos

    Why did the fish things crawl out?

    I am watching David Attenboroughs Life In Cold Blood series of documentaries and drinking and it got me thinking, why did the fish-reptiles-whatever leave the water to go on land? Now the shows say the land was crawling with insects by this point so it was a matter of plentiful food, but why not...
  6. Kozmos

    Which civ do you civ when you civ?

    Civilization is like an old love for me. It is a terrible idea, but when unable or unwilling to do anything useful workwise I occasionally return to it for brief lovemaking and incredible frustrations afterwards considering how much time and energy it sucks from me. I know many stopped playing...
  7. Kozmos

    What to do with hands?

    I watch a fair number of shows on my laptop (because as a poor student I has no TV), some educational, some drama, some comedy etc. However I find it extremely difficult to simply sit and watch at a laptop so I start surfing, reading wikipedia, checking FB and forums and so on. The only thing I...
  8. Kozmos

    No Shave Novemeber

    It started! :D I'm shaving today and will take a pic and then post another one when the month is over. I understand several have jobs that require clean shaven faces and ye shall be missed in this challenge. Anybody in?
  9. Kozmos

    To those in IT, a question...

    I'm coming into my second year at uni and I have to make some kind of a specialization choice. Between Organization IT, Business IT and Graphic Design. I really have no idea what to chose. What I can make out of it is that organization has more programming which I guess I am okay with, business...
  10. Kozmos

    Bionic leg with natural walking style This crap is amazing. And to think it can run off a single charge for 13 kilometers. Goddamn. And just so the overbearing overlords wouldn't move this to S&T, an OT question with serious discussions potential!!!!. Would you...
  11. Kozmos

    What secret blood do you have?

    So I was going on, minding my own business in the Balkans, drinking tea and eating muffins like any wannabe gentleman when all of sudden my mother squeaks and squeals about how she found some peculiarity while digging around our family tree or genealogy whatever it is called. There she found out...
  12. Kozmos

    What comes after fusion?

    Once we learn to control fusion processes for energy generation where could we look next for an even bigger energy source? I looked it into antimatter but it seems too iffy to work.
  13. Kozmos

    Infinite energies?

    Anyone caught this? I'm quite interested in what will become of this. Naturally I am a bit skeptical since it seems to violate known laws but if the Swedes (because SAABs are the best cars ever) say there is no chemical process involved I'm inclined to believe them...
  14. Kozmos

    Would you take care of yourself?

    Hypothetical situation [Protip: read Fiftys/Perf thread]: Lets say you were with a girl some time and while you had a good time it ended because of xyz reason. (bad timing, job offers, yadda yadda) You move on with your life and 2 years later she comes back in your life. With a kid. That...
  15. Kozmos

    New glassy material stronger and tougher than steel Sciency news like that make me wet. Hopefully soon we'll be able to shank people with glass instead of steel.
  16. Kozmos

    Questions from an ignoramus

    I been spinning some thoughts in thought spinning center of my brain and the resulting thought spins are: 1. Why was the British Empire so successful? Main factors and the like. 2. When muskets were invented why did they use ball shaped ammunition instead of conical pointed kind? They didnt...
  17. Kozmos

    Sid Meier browses these forums...

    Proof is right here:
  18. Kozmos

    Need help on Noble Game

    So the scenario is Earth 18 civs, Tokugawa, Epic speed, Domination Victory condition... And I dont know....I'm always stuck at a stalemate with either China or the Mongols...they always have more land cities because I have to settle on the coast and take time to construct galleys. Should I...
  19. Kozmos

    Wood & Bone(r)s This is some pretty neat stuff. Could be here in about 5 years too.
  20. Kozmos

    Fantasy book help

    Hey good fantasy book reading peoples of CFC. I need help finding a book for a female friend of mine. She likes to read fantasy and all I know she really really likes George RR Martins A Song of Ice and Fire. Now I would like to probe her deeper on what kind of books she likes, but with her...
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