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  1. rbis4rbb

    Favorite Drug?

    What is your favorite drug? Not just illegal ones, but things like alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine. I will also include illegal ones because some people like those more than the legal ones. Edit: poll now
  2. rbis4rbb

    11 medical marijuana outlets raided in LA, thousands of lbs seized,1,5984845.story?track=rss I think this is a gross violation of states rights, whether you support the war on drugs or not, and shows what a sad state the DEA is in. But hey, at least potheads are off the street...
  3. rbis4rbb

    DJ Drama arrested, freed on bail He was freed today on 100,000 bail. What do you guys think of this? In my opinion, mixtapes are a vital part of hip-hop. They can help break artists, such as 50 Cent, Young Jeezy, and T.I., and help build buzz for established artists, such as Lil...
  4. rbis4rbb

    Brokeback Mountain

    Is anyone planning on seeing this? I won't, i don't want to see 2 gays kissing.
  5. rbis4rbb

    What will shock the Internet generation in 15 years?

    When I say Internet Generation, I'm talking about those who have grown up with basically an unregulated internet, where there are plenty of shcoking gifs, images, and sounds. I've been using the internet since I was 8 or 9, and in 7 years, I've probably seen more messed up things than my parents...
  6. rbis4rbb

    The Last Knights

    Does anyone else play this game? it's an rpg set in 17th century Europe, The Americas, and Asia. It's great fun, it's free to play as well. I'm in Mongolia, a new age is starting 15:00 game time today
  7. rbis4rbb

    Browser Exiting randomly

    I am using the latest version of Mozilla Firefox. Sometimes the browser will just exit randomly, and then the last history page will be a page I viewed and erased a long time ago. Can anyone help me
  8. rbis4rbb

    BSing, screwing people over?

    Does anyone BS in online games, like screw around with teammates to make them lose? I saw one replay in Warcraft II (4v4) where the enemy was down to 1 base, and the other guys had all bases. So one guy says "Hey lets kill each other for fun" and they end up dying and losing. Any other funy...
  9. rbis4rbb

    Annoying pop up ad

    Comes up every time I vist CFC, and Mozilla doesn't block it. It's not from rolling over the ad, either, but rather simply logging on.
  10. rbis4rbb

    How do you eat?

    *Poll coming* *Poll here* Do you eat healty and at regular times, or just eat cheetos all day?
  11. rbis4rbb

    Is the Internet more liberal than conservative?

    It seems like nearly every forum I go on, most of the users are liberal, usually outnumbering the conservative views 2:1. Has anyone else experienced this
  12. rbis4rbb

    Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread

    I think this would be a good feature, I'm not sure if Thunderfall can turn this on or whatnot
  13. rbis4rbb

    Whats the weirdest thing you've done while under the influence?

    I know people here have done weird stuff. I somehow got home with a psychic sign in my hand, and then I planted it on my neighbors lawn
  14. rbis4rbb

    Hilarious WoW footage!

  15. rbis4rbb

    Worst American President?

    I say Zachary Taytlor or US Grant
  16. rbis4rbb

    Pass the potato!

    heh Not really a discussion topic! Link Removed (spam-vertising to attract people to another website)
  17. rbis4rbb

    What happened to Lindsay Lohan?

    Is she on crack or what? She used to be good looking whern she had meat on her bones, but hanging out with Paris Hilton messed her up. What do you think happened to her?
  18. rbis4rbb

    Schools Out!!!

    Finally! Wow, what an interesting year. I think I only failed one class. How are your last day's of school
  19. rbis4rbb

    Game manager?

    Is there any software that manages all my games in one console? Like can I view all the games in one console is what I mean
  20. rbis4rbb

    Happy Birthday Thunderfall!

    Hope your 25th goes well and is a lot of fun! [party] :bday:
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