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Search results

  1. LouLong

    C3C PBEM: "Cesar" - Rise of Rome scenario - level : beginners

    *** GAME STARTED *** Hi and welcome to "Caesar", a Rise of Rome conquest. This PBEM is mostly for newcomers to the PBEM world, some I have invited directly by PM. We still need one more, if possible, experienced player to accompany them. 4 players : - turfcat : Macedonia -...
  2. LouLong

    C3C PBEM: "Dom Juan" - Great Armada scenario (version "c").

    Welcome to Dom Juan ! Not to mistake for Don Giovanni..., Dom Juan of Austria was the Spanish king half-brother and a famous general who led many tercios to victory. The game is based on my Great Armada scenario which can be downloaded here...
  3. LouLong

    C3C PBEM: "Rocroy" - Great Armada scenario

    *** GAME STARTED *** Welcome to Rocroy ! This battle in 1643 saw the first defeat of the Spanish tercios. Enghien had the good idea of bombarding them. This was the beginning of the end for the Spanish army. But during this scenario you can still prove tercios to be the strongest units ever...
  4. LouLong

    C3C PBEM: "Uncas" - French & Indian War scenario

    *** GAME STARTED *** Welcome to the Uncas PBEM (Uncas is actually the "Last of the Mohicans"). This PBEM uses the scenario "The French & Indian War" that describes the last war betwen the British and French colonists in the New World with the support of their mother countries as well as...
  5. LouLong

    C3C PBEM: "Magwa" - French & Indian War scenario

    *** GAME STARTED *** Welcome to the Magwa PBEM (Magwa is the Huron traitor in the "Last of the Mohicans"). This PBEM uses the scenario "The French & Indian War" that describes the last war betwen the British and French colonists in the New World with the support of their mother countries...
  6. LouLong

    Re install

    Hi, I just needed to reinstall Civ3. Main issue : I cannot locate the patch 1.29 file anymore, seems the Atari page is down (probably since it is not on their list of products anymore...)
  7. LouLong

    Re install

    Hi, I just needed to reinstall Civ3. Main issue : I cannot locate the patch 1.29 file anymore, seems the Atari page is down / does not exsit anymore (probably since it is not on their list of products anymore...) Any help ?
  8. LouLong

    Gfx Help Request - advisors

    Hi, long time I haven't posted around here (more busy and personal problems + a tad of Civ4 have taken me away from here) but for my large update of the Reconquista scenario I would need some help for the Advisors as I cannot find a way to do them. Attached are the flag/leaderheads for...
  9. LouLong

    Gfx - Medieval Spain Wonders - Requests

    Hi, for the next iteration of my Reconquista scenario I am in need of a few more gfx. The most important ones are : - the Alhambra - Huerta technics (intensive irrigated crops and vegetables). - Piracy dominace (Muslim piracy) - Toledo Blacksmiths (less important as I can use some other...
  10. LouLong

    C3C PBEM: "Cid" - Spanish Reconquista scenario PBEM

    *** GAME *** Welcome to this PBEM focusing on the Spanish Reconquista during the Middle Ages and called "Cid" after the name of this flamboyant figure of medieval Spain and whose name means the Chief in Arabic.. This PBEM uses the scenario "Spanish Reconquista" You will need to...
  11. LouLong

    C3C PBEM: "Smuts" - the Boer War scenario-based PBEM

    ***GAME FINISHED*** The Boers surrended in front of bad odds... after losing their capital. Welcome to the Smuts (one of the main Boer generals) PBEM. This PBEM uses the scenario "The Boer War" (or more precisely its next version about to come out). You will need to download and...
  12. LouLong

    PBEM invitation

    Hi, I was a Mac user for a long time and knows what it feels when your Civilization game comes a lot later. Anyway welcome ! Apparently you can also play PBEM so if any of you want to join our small PBEM community at CFC, we have a new PBEM about the Rise of Rome recruiting newbies...
  13. LouLong

    C3C PBEM : "Ilipa" - Rise of Rome scenario (level : newbies)

    *** GAME STARTED *** "Ilipa", battle won by Scipion in Spain and that opens the road to Gades and the last Carthginian stroghold in Spain), will be the name of this new Rise of Rome scenario mostly aimed at newbees. Newbees means new to PBEMs (never played or one current PBEM), at least on...
  14. LouLong

    C3C PBEM: "Monro" - French & Indian War scenario

    *** GAME FINISHED*** The red coats and their Indian allies defeated the French, although by not that large a margin... Welcome to Monro (or Munro or Monroe), the English general who surrendered at Fort William Henry and whose daughters' fate are described in the novel "The Last of the...
  15. LouLong

    The French & Indian Wars aka the Last of the Mohicans (FIW)

    Release of v1.21 : just new biq files (SP and MP) that still need the main files and patch v1.2 (8th of June 2007). No need to redeonwload the patch/main files if you already had them. Biq files will be updated in this post. The "main files" folder is 14.6 MB and is needed to play. Extract it...
  16. LouLong

    C3C PBEM: "Hermes" - Falklands War scenario (level : experienced)

    *** GAME FINISHED *** Britain surrenders. "Hermes" is the name of one carrier of the Royal Navy at the time of the war. It is for Conquests, patch 1.22. So you need to have both Conquests and the patch 1.22 installed on your computer. I will play England in this one...
  17. LouLong

    C3C PBEM: "Puma" - Falklands War scenario (level : experienced)

    *** GAME FINISHED *** The few remaining British troops surrender ! "Puma" is the name/type of one chopper mostly commonly used by Argentinia at the time of the war. It is for Conquests, patch 1.22. So you need to have both Conquests and the patch 1.22 installed on your computer...
  18. LouLong

    Scenarios for low-end machines

    Since Civ4 uses quite a lot of CPU and most of all RAM, I have created a subsection in the Civ4 scenarios directory for smallish scenarios that can be played even on low-end machines. So for those interested in playing them you might have a place to find them once those interested in...
  19. LouLong

    TianXia (China Warring States) Scenario BETA

    This is the beta (currently v0.8) version of my Warring States scenario. The link is here (17 MB) : https://www.mediafire.com/file/bch0p94lkvi2qex/TianXia.rar/file Download, unzip into Civ3/Conquests/Scenarios However I put the wrong biq into the file (left debug mod on and gave only one city...
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