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  1. C


    I would like it to be possible for parts of your empire to secede. Armed rebellions would also be nice. Also, a system of atrocities like those in SMAC would be cool.
  2. C

    Japanese Conquest Strategy

    I'm playing the Sengokou (sp?) conquest on the Japan map, and I was wondering what everybody's favorite strategies are for that conquest. So far, I've build an lot of horsemen and a few of the warrior monks. I also have the Great Library, so I don't need to research ever again. So now the...
  3. C

    Dzzl01 - The Ocean Blue - C3C SG

    What's up? I've decided to start my own SG. Map: Archipelago Size: Large (80%) Climate: Random Age: Random Us: Spain Rivals: The other seafaring civs, plus 3 random civs to keep things interesting. Difficulty: Emperor Game: C3C Roster: Me (ChuckDizzle) ThERat Zavior hookmonkey...
  4. C

    Leaderhead, unit request

    I'd really like for somebody to make a King Ludwig II leader head for Bavaria. If you can think of a UU for the Bavarians, pease feel free to make it. Dizzle
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