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  1. S

    The prize for building a world wonder is restarting my computer?

    Why is it every time, or almost every time I build a world wonder in one of my cities when it's done the game zooms to the city with the light glowing out of it restarts my computer?!? Is there anything I can do to stop this?
  2. S

    The prize for building a world wonder is restarting my computer?

    Why is it every time, or almost every time I build a world wonder in one of my cities when it's done the game zooms to the city with the light glowing out of it and restarts my computer?!? Is there anything I can do to stop this?:confused: The more I play this game the more it seems like it...
  3. S

    Is there any way to slow down the game/ years?

    I like to play my games in Epic mode and they just seem too fast. Before I know it I already have Calvary and only 4 cities. Is there any way to slow the years down or make it longer to research Techs? Is this something only a Mod can fix?
  4. S

    Accept Christianity or else!

    That’s what I'm telling my neighbors as my crusades continue! Man I love this game...:D
  5. S

    How do you make your own Civs?

    I remember reading somewhere that you could make your own Civs in Civ 4. I want to make Portugal, how can I do that? Thank you in advance for any help.
  6. S

    How many cities can you build in Civ 4?

    Ok, first I'd like to just say I love this game. I never thought there could be a better game then Civ 3 but here we have. Ok now down to my question, how many cities can you build in Civ 4? I like playing on a Huge 4-5 continent, 10 civ map and then I go into world builder and add even more...
  7. S

    Too many Cities!!?!

    Hey Guys, First off Im new here and I would like to say that this is a great site. Whoever the owner is has done a great job on it. This is my first post but I have been playing Civ 3 since it came out. Now onto my questions. Like I said before I have been playing Civ 3 for a while now. But not...
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