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Search results

  1. MeteorPunch

    [UNIT] Army Conversions

    These Army units were made a long time ago with assistance from Vuldacon for my *still* unreleased Aeon sequel mod. Most are based on standard Firaxis units, with 4 from our creators here. Part 1: Row 1. Medieval Leader Cleopatra Alexander Ancient Leader Plotinus's Benin Assegai Man Bismarck...
  2. MeteorPunch

    [C3C] BUG - Game crash when AI has only 1 setter and no cities

    I ran into a crash/freeze, and used Sima's Multiplayer Tool to dig around a bit. Playing as any Civ other than UK caused a crash, so it was narrowed down that they are the culprits. What I think could be happening, is that they have no where ideal to settle and so it freezes. Anyone seen...
  3. MeteorPunch

    [C3C] Aeon III Preview

    This is an epic mod with Random Map and World map versions. The Random Map is currently for 4-12 Civs, while the World Map, which is a modified version of Rhye's 180x180 Map, is for 31 Civs. I like World Maps with real Civs, but they tend to get slow at some point and this one is no exception...
  4. MeteorPunch

    [C3C] Is there a maximum number of bonus resources?

    As in, I'm thinking of using 200+ bonus resources on a map, in addition to the max 32 strategic/luxury...anyone aware of a problem with this?
  5. MeteorPunch

    Buildings from (Wonder) Palace Bugged

    I'm trying to set up a game where the Palace improvement is a Wonder which gives every civilization a (unbuildable, tech era: none) building in each city on the continent. Usually it works, but the building disappears from the cities after a few turns. Setting it to make the building appear in...
  6. MeteorPunch

    House to Introduce Bill Ending Federal Marijuana Ban

    http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/06/22/marijuana-bill-barney-frank-ron-paul_n_882707.html I don't know how often these types of bills are attempted, but I doubt it will pass, simply because the anti-marijuana people are probably more likely to vote in elections. Hopeful though. :goodjob:
  7. MeteorPunch

    How often do you feel the AI builds air units?

    Just collecting some information for a mod I'm doing. :) I haven't played Civ 3 unmodded in a long time, and I had some memories of the AI being pretty good at building bombers and that it was annoying to deal with them destroying me from a distance, but now I'm not so sure go accurate that...
  8. MeteorPunch

    GalleyAttack sound problem

    Whenever any unit, including the original galley, uses GalleyAttack.amb (Galley attack sounds) just a single file plays, GalleyAttackWater.wav, and the other two .wavs are silent. I've tested this on three Civ III installations: two Steam Civ III: Complete installs on two different computers...
  9. MeteorPunch

    Getting unit shadows to show up in game

    What index number does the shadows use? Using index #245 my shadows are a light gray and need to be darker like the others in game.
  10. MeteorPunch

    Air Units script.txt

    Has anyone gotten this to work? I just had the idea to fiddle around with it. It would be cool if instead of, "We were shot down by an enemy interceptor!" it said, "Our B-17 was shot down by an enemy Bf-109!" It's kind of weird that in one place, $Unit0 is "Fighter," in another it's "BC" or...
  11. MeteorPunch

    Snoopy's Cities for Winter Terrain

    download I made these to have a standard 4 era / 5 culture city set for snow terrains such as Balthasar's Winter Terrain. It's not actually snow, but a simple palette remix of Snoopy's excellent city sets.
  12. MeteorPunch

    Rotating units in Animation Shop?

    There's a few units which are a 1/8 off of what direction they should be facing during an attack animation. Would anyone show me how to correct these? Basically moving the first few frames and to the end.
  13. MeteorPunch

    [immobile load bug] ?

    It's my understanding that units without "Load" uh...can't load, but the AI is seeing that big 8 attack and thinking their gonna go raid some shorelines. :shake: The load button is not available for me in game with that unit, but perhaps the AI is just doing whatever they want and ignoring that...
  14. MeteorPunch

    AI and duplicate buildings

    Let's say you have 2 different granary buildings, each of them are the exact same. Will the AI know to not bother to build the second one in a city which already has the first?
  15. MeteorPunch

    Collecting armies

    Army units are pretty rare and I'm trying to put together a list of the ones that exist. I'm just interested in real-life/non-fantasy ones. Is there any I'm missing? Leaven's SG-Team PtW extras Medieval Japanese NavyDawg's army 4-pack Original 4-eras Kinboat's Roman Army Wyrmshadow made several...
  16. MeteorPunch

    Need help with leaderhead

    I've been trying to fix the white specles on Gouverneur Champlain's face paint and the bottom one-third of the animation is blurry. Aside from the blurriness, the animation looks fine in a .flc viewer, but in game it is choppy and caused a Windows error when I closed Conquests. before and...
  17. MeteorPunch

    Ground Level Battleground Mod

    Has anyone made a mod that takes place in a approximately real-sized battlefield? Basically a Civ 3 turn-based version of a RTS. This picture from a recent post by Ares de Borg, I think, illustrates it perfectly. Side note: This is the scale that 1UPT is appropriate...Firaxis! :mad: :D
  18. MeteorPunch

    Africa 54 x 104

    It's Africa floating in the ocean. :shake: download link
  19. MeteorPunch

    Modern Age 2: First Strike

    for Civilization III Conquests 1.22 Modern Age 2 is what I would call an experimental and bare bones modern military scenario. It takes place at the present day 2010, and includes real life nations, leaders, units, etc. There are no techs to learn, buildings to build, resources to acquire, or...
  20. MeteorPunch

    Deal cancelled because of phantom wonder

    I never build wonders, and I got this message out of the blue pretty early in the game.
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