• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

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  1. B

    [GS] Any way I could have handled this differently? (CS and grievances)

    Khmer DOWed an ally and I was dragged into the war. Khmer is suzerain of Mexico City. I am allies with 4/6 other civs with no grievances. I don't need to do anything to Khmer because they only have 1 city and are very weak. But they have the highest diplo points, so I decided I can use this as...
  2. B

    Why do some civs not care about 3rd party grievances?

    I've read a few guides and haven't found the answer to this yet. In my last game, I had generated a lot of grievances for my war against the Inca. All other civs in the game except the Ottomons had a 10% diplo penalty against me based on those grievances. Some of these civs (Norway and...
  3. B

    How do you feel about civs / leaders that modify district placement?

    Coming back to VI after a couple year hiatus, I am definitely enjoying it much more than before. Partly this is exapnsions, patches, rebalances, and partly it's because by now I've realized that VI isn't going to be my favorite in the series, so I'm playing more to just mess around and have...
  4. B

    Are XP training bonuses retroactive?

    I guess there are two ways to interpret my question. I'm curious either way. But what I really mean is, if an encampment trains a unit, and I later build a barracks, does that unit now have the 25% bonus to future XP gains?
  5. B

    Really enjoying raiders

    I'm really enjoying the sea raider line of ships. I mean, it's a short line and subs don't really make sense raiding coasts... but gameplay wise it's a lot of fun and Privateers are great. They can pillage districts and improvements They can take down land support units They can clear...
  6. B

    Can't build National Park over Pantanal?

    In my last game I was lucky enough to score Pantanal, an always 4 tile Natural Wonder marsh that makes a great National Park site. In my second game I got it again. Yet this time, the game says it's not a valid National Wonder site. All 4 tiles are breathtaking, and they all fall under one...
  7. B

    Is there a beauty mode?

    This game looks so great that sometimes the icons just get in the way. Is there a mode where I can disable things like the unit icons and city banners? I just want to see the game in all its glory.
  8. B

    Does the AI haggle now?

    I've noticed that I get unfair uneven deals from Friendly civs in this version. Well today as usual I had my friend Cleo offer me a crap trade. She wanted 2 luxes + open borders for 1 Lux and some poor GPT. I set it to 2 luxes for 2 luxes (both spares) and of course she refuses. I did 1 for...
  9. B

    How do you guys feel about the late game, so far?

    I'm not sure what it is, maybe the Religious victory, but I enjoy playing through entire games of Civ VI so far more than BNW. In BNW I would get to a point where I could forsee that my victory was inevitable. In this game it seems there are more ways the AI can sneak in a win or disrupt my...
  10. B


    Is there a way to blockade or an effect from blockading? I seem to remember reading about some effect before game release, but I don't see anything now. I kind of assume if you're attacking a coastal city it requires a naval vessel in order to create a siege but I haven't tested it yet.
  11. B

    Eureka for Ballistics should include Great Wall

    The Eureka for Ballistics is to have 2 forts in your empire. China has no reason to build forts when they can build the Great Wall, so I believe this Eureka should account for that.
  12. B

    Should there be a Warmonger Penalty for conquering cities?

    Right now you can get a Warmongering penalty in multiple ways. - Declaring War - Conquering Cities (capturing them without ceding them back) - Razing Cities I'm fine with the existing system so far, but curious about others' thoughts.
  13. B

    Some digging into Diplomacy Transitions

    First, the XML values The best hypothesis I've seen so far is that there is an invisible Relationship Value that accrues, based on the net value we can see on the Diplomacy screen (which is actually a rate value). So I spent some time testing this. Here are the facts I gleaned from playing...
  14. B

    Very easy to end City State War

    When you pay your Suzerain (a lot of) gold to go to war with you; any civ in the game can counter this by sending enough envoys to achieve new suzerain status. So far in my experience, every CS I'm a suzerain of I'm also just 1 more than some opponent out there. How do you folks feel about...
  15. B

    Not seeing messages in middle of the screen?

    I'm not sure if this is a bug or my system has disabled a setting automatically somewhere, or I am just ignorant, but I have a question. I'm playing Greece on an island by myself and I've seen no messages yet. Like when I get a goodie hut I have to try and figure out what I got from it because...
  16. B

    Raise your hand if you have harvested when you meant to improve

    That button looks so much like a farming button that I've already clicked it when I meant to place a farm or pasture. Haha. Well, hopefully I will get accustomed to this, soon. My poor 2nd city.
  17. B

    Anyone else getting this auto-select bug?

    This usually occurs to me once or more every turn. The auto-select will highlight a unit, then after about 1/2 - 1 second, it will auto-select a different one. With no input from me. The problem then causes is that if I'm quick and I know what move I want to make with a unit, I will make the...
  18. B

    Ideological Pressure?

    Have we seen anything like this yet or does it seem to have been removed? Although... am I the only person who would miss this aspect of the cultural game? ;)
  19. B

    Diplomatic escalation

    One reason people criticize civ diplomacy (and did so in V) is when the AI seems to declare war "out of nowhere". What if there was a more gradual escalation of conflict though? Instead of going from peace to war, civs who grow to dislike you treat you like this: 1. Refuse (and cancel) all...
  20. B

    Tactical Terrain and Unit Types Mod

    I'm curious if there's any interest in expanding the unique bonuses of the base unit types in civ. Feel free to post your own suggestions, but here are some examples of what I'm thinking: Melee: +5 CS for attacking from ambush (woods or jungle to non woods or jungle) Ranged: +10 ranged CS...
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