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    Space victory - how to sabotage

    This concerns a) Civ4 Vanilla and b) multiplayer. A situation is arising whereby it's just possible our current mp game will be decided by the space victory. Now, can anyone tell me (or point me in the direction of some information concerning) how to sabotage another player's attempts to...
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    No Tech Trading - easier or harder?

    What's generally considered easier, tech trading on, or off? I'm playing my first ever game with it switched off (thinking it'd make the game harder) yet I'm further ahead than ever before ... :confused:
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    Promotions Questions

    1) What's the difference between a First Strike and a First Strike Chance? Obviously, the former is more powerful than the latter. But what are the 'chances' for landing a 1st strike? (I do wish they'd explained these 1st Strike rules clearer in the manual ...) 2) March: does it effect only...
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    "Can't Trade"

    In F4->Techs, what does it mean when an AI's tech is listed as can't trade rather than won't trade? I don't understand. :confused: Thanks!
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    Two entirely unrelated questions.

    1) Is there a list somewhere of which F/P/C (etc) values Great People settled as Super Specialists provide? Can't seem to find one. 2) I'd like there to be a mod which prevents cities from being settled if their fat cross would overlap with any other existing city's. Anyone know of such a...
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    1st Prince Game - Help!

    I'm hardly a brilliant Civ4 player but I can comfortably beat Noble and thought it'd be nice to move up to Prince. However, in my first Prince game, I'm way behind in tech by 1660AD. I would be very grateful if a Prince/Monarch player could take a look at the save and give me some advise and/or...
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    Upgrade All (alt-left-click)

    Two Crossbows on one tile ... I alt-left-clicked the button to upgrade them all to Rifles. My gold went from ~2000 to ~50. I was left with no Rifles and no Crossbows in any of the cities that previously had Crossbows. :( They all disappeared! :mad: And all my gold was taken! :mad...
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    Hydro Plant / 3 Gorges Dam

    Hydro Plant and corresponding World Wonder Three Gorges Dam. Why can't I build them? I already know that a Factory is a prerequisite for all of the improvements that provide power to it, and I suppose it's something to do with having to have rivers somewhere, but what exactly are the...
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    Machine Gunner

    I don't understand the Machine Gunner. How come it's a siege weapon if it can only defend? It can't bombard city defenses either. Very :confused: I am. Enlighten me!
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    Workboats and ocean tiles

    I don't get it. The game says Workboats can't enter ocean tiles, but a) how else are they meant to set up fishing boats on fish resources on ocean tiles and b) Workboats can actually move onto ocean tiles anyway. Also, I've seen an AI Galley move onto an Ocean tile. Is there some tech...
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    Civ4 wouldn't start - how I fixed it

    This is just a general FYI for anyone searching for similar problems. Civ4 wouldn't start. The loading screen appeared (the one with 'loading' in 6 or so languages) and hung. About a minute after, the Civ4 process crashed. One (or all) of the following has made Civ4 run ... updating to...
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