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  1. H

    religion civic without state religion?

    What if you run theocracy but don't have a state religion? Will the 2 XP bonus apply to every city? The same question for organized religion and pacifism. If yes, then that's interesting, no religion is the best religon, for you save the effort to build missonaries ... :D
  2. H

    Where can you build watermill?

    It seems that your workers can't build watermills on all riverside tiles. Some one says watermill cannot be built if another watermill is nearby, or if it's on a river corner. Is that true?
  3. H

    tech vs. war, commerce vs. production

    I feel that there is a profound difference between civ 3 and 4. In civ 3, road adds 1 commerce to a tile, and there is no improvement for commerce, all you can choose is mine for production or irrigation for growth. And you can use lux slider to make people happy. Therefore, generally...
  4. H

    tundra farm?

    I conquer Spain and notice that they have several farms on tundra tiles, generating 2 foods (I learn civil service, but don't learn biology yet). My worker moves to another tundra tile nearby, but doesn't see the farm option. What's going on? Tundra farm is only a feature of AI?
  5. H

    - current build overflow correction?

    When a project will be finished in the current turn, mouse over the hammer number will tell you - some hammers current build overflow correction. What exactly is that? I am kind of confused. For example. my heroic epic city is building a knight, 68/90 done, and it just needs 22 hammers for...
  6. H

    Is ironworks broken?

    What the heck does ironworks do?! :confused: In civ 3, a city must have iron and coal inside its border to be able to build ironworks. But now, any city can build it. Ok, so I build it and see such production: total 120, base 45, +50% from buildings (forge + factory), +50% from power...
  7. H

    stonehege: worth building or not?

    It seems many people love to build stonehege. My question is: is that really good? The good points to build it: 1. Every city gets 1 culture per turn, so your border can expand soon. 2. It just costs 120 hammers, even cheaper with stone and/or industrial trait. Altogether it could take...
  8. H

    Caste system as war time culture bomb

    Just find that caste system has a great use in war time. When you capture a city, its citizens can be assigned to artists. Well, when it's still resisting, no culture or any other is being produced. But, right in the intertrun before the resistance ends, the artists DO make culture. Therefore...
  9. H

    Promotion: general or specific?

    Which promotion do you like to do, combat 1-5 (useful in any case, but only +10%) or specific ones (city raider, pinch, cover, formation, drill, ...)? At first sight, those specific ones typically +20% or 25%, looking stronger than combat. However, I heard that those +25% doesn't mean your...
  10. H

    Is granary much less useful?

    In civ 3, granary saves half foods of the total amount when growing, for example when your city size goes from 3 to 4, it remains 10 foods. However, from what I see, in civ 4 granary only save half foods generated in the last turn before growth. So if every tile of a city has 2 foods, granary...
  11. H

    lose promotions after upgrade?

    I heard that when a unit with > 10 XP is upgraded, its XP is reduced to 10, and can be promoted again at 17 XP. Does that mean you lose the promotions higher than 3rd level? E.g., combat 4, city raider 4? If this is true, then there is no point to promote a unit to a 4th level skill, unless it's...
  12. H

    Where to build cottage?

    A huge different of civ 4 from civ 3 is that road doesn't add 1 gold to a tile. So more people don't necessarily mean more gold. Actually, most tiles are bound to generate no gold, -- unless you build a cottage. If you want to build cottage in some tile, you'd better do it as early as possible...
  13. H

    How useful is tech trade?

    Often see that an AI don't want to trade a monopoly tech to you, which makes broker so much harder! Do you have some thought on that?
  14. H

    rush vs. upgrade?

    How much is the gold : hammer ratio for rush and upgrade? Rush can get half price from Kremlin, so I'm thinking that probably rush would be cheaper than upgrade. Pity, there is no Leo's workshop now!
  15. H

    philosophy from oracle doesn't found taoism

    Just build Oracle, and pick philosophy as free tech. Surprisingly, Taoism is still not founded in F7!
  16. H

    A guide to combat units

    I want to compile a guide to combat units, and hope it could help people struggling in reading civlopedia! :) At first I list every unit according to its category. Inside every category, the first part is upgrading tree, and those in parentheses are unique units. Then for each unit, I list...
  17. H

    Cho-Ko-Nu - the best UU?

    Maybe it's time to debate for UUs! :D I would say Chinese UU Cho-Ko-Nu is the best, and better than others by a large margin. Collateral damage! Two first strikes! +50% vs. melee units! Looks almost too good to be true. Using a stack of Cho-Ko-Nu and maybe a few cats, you can destroy any...
  18. H

    military principle?

    I guess I have gained some experience in peaceful development (city building, worker improvement, wonder, great people, etc.), but still need to get a clearer understanding in military. In civ3, the main principles are artillery type units and armies, so that our stack of cats and swords can...
  19. H

    No good to have 2 specialist farms?

    A city generates a great person when its OWN GPP reaches the current need. That means: if a great person needs 2000 GPP now, and a city is running 3 specialists and generating 9 GPP, it would never gather enough GPP to create a GP, therefore the 9 GPP is simply wasted. So it seems good to run...
  20. H

    How many GPs will philosophical trait add?

    Philosophical trait increases great people points by 100%. So how many more GP would you expect to gain from being philosophical? I think the answer comes like this. The first GP needs 100 GPP, the second 200, and so on. The nth GP needs n*100 GPP, and the sum from 1 to n is n*(n+1)/2...
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