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    Removing Denunciations Altogether

    Is it possible to remove Denunciations/Dec. of Friendships altogether through the XML files? Maybe theres a threshold somewhere that determines how likely the AI will DoF/Denounce someone and it can be set to an extreme value? I'm tired of it bogging down diplomacy with dogpiles and endless...
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    UI - No Social Policies

    Recent UI problem with my game, modded or un-modded, 1.348 The Social Policies (F5) Button does not work - the menu simply doesn't show up - so I can never choose a policy or continue the game. If the AI has to choose a policy first (e.g. France with culture bonus) the game crashes. EDIT...
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    Cover & Defensive Embark

    Quick question: Would the Cover promotion reduce the amount of damage embarked units take from bombardment? For example, with the cover promotion, would a unit only lose 3 hp instead of 4?
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    XML - Peace Treaty Consessions

    1. Does anyone know if there's a way to mod the AI's willingness to give gold/resources/luxury when suing for peace? I found a lot of stuff in GlobalDiplomacyAIdefines.xml but that only seems to define how willing the AI would make peace, not what they would offer as spoils of war. 2. On a...
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    (18) Mediterranean (62x30) Tile-Conservative

    Civilizations: 18 Preplaced (in historically believable Locations) Start: 2 Cities and some starting units, 3 starting techs each (3rd tech based on nearby starting resources) Resources: Preplaced based on geographic research, then balance considerations - fairly rich due to limited space...
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    Unit Art change question

    Does anyone know which specific tech(s) causes art changes from ancient units to modern units? For example: Fishing boat (Wooden => Metal Boat) Great Spy (Ninja => James Bond) I know it seems kind of random but I'm trying to make an espionage mod for BTS "no espionage" that's more similar to...
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    How to make unit only defend city?

    EDIT: Okay I found this thread- and I think I can make this work if I just set it to a Sea Domain like UNITAI_CARRIER_SEA Thanks everyone! ============================================================== I'm working on a scenario with...
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    Automatic Defeat upon Start?

    For some reason the map I'm trying out works fine when I chose "Play Scenario" but when I do "Custom Scenario" I automatically lose as any Civ. None of the civs have pre-placed cities, which may be why its auto-loss, but I don't understand how to turn it off or why it only fails in custom...
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    [Promotions]Flanking on Infantry/FS on Mounted

    I've been playing around with the units XML for a while now, and I've changed some units to have unorthodox promotions. I've been experimenting with giving infantry the Flanking Line (so they can all eventually get 30% withdrawal like Guerrilla III) and giving Mounted Units the Drill Line...
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    Grenadier Idea

    I've changed the Grenadier a bit in my Custom Assets to be a MELEE Unit. Although it seems to play fine in single player, I wanted some feedback from more experienced players on how this would affect balance. Stats are generally unchanged: 12 Strength +50 vs Melee (so it doesn't die to...
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    Having a Settler "Join City"

    Quite a few times I've built a Settler, only to have my city spot taken and I'm left with a very bored unit. How do I make it so that a settler can join a city (like in previous games that gave +1 population) for +Food or +Hammer? Is there some mod that already incorporates this? Thanks! I'd...
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    Old World (18) 68x34

    New Version 11/27/09 Changes : -Included a version compatible for Vanilla Civ (with replacement Civs) -Corrected Bug where Egyptians do not have starting techs Removed Greeks (now 17 Civilizations) for more expansion room in Europe Changed Celts starting location from Italy to Eastern...
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    [Q] AI vs. Player difficulty level

    I notice when you have a custom game you can not only choose difficulty level (prince, monarch ,etc.) for yourself, but for the AI (which is at prince by default). How does this affect the AI if you say, set yourself for emperor, but the AI's to Diety?, because I'm sure setting your own...
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    [H] Editing Terrain Bonuses XML

    I'm running BTS 3.19 and I'm trying to change when resources are revealed/obsoleted. However, I can't find the xml file to mod! In vanilla civ its in the xml/terrain/civ4bonusinfo.xml but I just can't find it in BTS:confused:. (Changing the vanilla files doesn't do anything for BTS, and the...
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    Quick .kfm question (adding a new unit)

    I added in a new Galleas unit, but the animation (swaying, death, attack) does not work. Now i have the NIF files referenced just fine, but I don't know what to put for the KFM line. There's a bunch of .kf files for the unit, but not KFM file. I've done this before and its worked, but for the...
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    Looking for Promotion Buttons

    I'm trying to find the files for two buttons in the game - The icon for Recon units (the binoculars) and naval units (the life ring things). Can anyone help me find the .dds file? or the reference atlas?
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    Unit button collection?

    A lot of the custom units I've downloaded don't have buttons. For vehicles and planes its been easy enough to just find my own image and convert into a .dds file, but for most other units its hard to find a image that looks suitable. So I'm wondering - is there a collection of unit buttons...
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    Unit installation questions

    So I just started to learn how to add new units to BtS (using CustomAssets instead of a mod). I read two tutorials, and successfully added the Colonial militia from the American Revolution Scenario in Vanilla Civ. Then I started adding downloaded units, but clearly I'm doing something wrong...
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    Slavery whipping questions

    1. How many hammers is each population point worth, and does that change on Epic setting? 2. What does the overflow from whipping mean? Do you get compensation in gold or are the hammers/population just wasted? Thanks
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    Air units and xp?

    How do fighters and bombers get experience? Mine never seem to level up. Do they actually have to kill a unit, or do they need a successful interception?
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