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  1. LAnkou

    Tooltip for "don't settle near my cities" promise

    I had a game where I settled a city really near the AI. Of course, I was asked to stop settling near their land. I settled a second city between my core cities and the "too close" one... It was considered as a break of the promise. That's why, on the settler layer, it should be nice to have a...
  2. LAnkou

    Missing screens and others UI changes

    Unless i'm mistaken there are several screens not present in the game and that i miss a lot: - a deal screen: where you can see your current deals and their date of expiration - a unit screen/tooltip: where you can see the list of your units (then you can click on that damn scout to select it)...
  3. LAnkou

    Satisfying and frustrating

    for the first time since i have the game, i went to prince difficulty level. going with India for a culture win on a random map. It appears that it was a pangea with le in the center and my direct neighbours being clockwise starting from the north: -Mongolia -Ottomans -Arabs -Siam -Iroquois...
  4. LAnkou

    What is the "big mystery" coming in the next few months

    for those of you who may not know, 2K Greg announced with the next patch that a "big surprise" is coming in the few months... So what is this "much-requested addition to the game" they're talking about ?
  5. LAnkou

    Euro 2012 qualifications

    Now things are starting to get interesting: Game of 25/26 of March Group A: Austria - Belgium Germany - Kazakhstan A loss from Kazakhstan and it's almost a bye-bye Group B Armenia -Russia Ireland - Macedonia Andorra - Slovakia Russia have its future in its own hand, but a loss...
  6. LAnkou

    Other solutions than road maintenance to road spam problem

    the road maintenance had been put in place to avoid road spam: it's true that if there is a road on every single tile, the tactical aspect for the defender are diminished since there is the aspect of "movement cost" to take into account. Plus it's a little silly to get road on every and single...
  7. LAnkou

    Huge map conquest victory...thoughts and comments

    Well, i'm not the best player on earth, but here's a summary of my game Japan, huge continent map, normal pace and i think it was a level above the normal difficulty... 2 continents (Me, mongols, iroquois, Khmers / ottomans, arabs, aztecs, americans, germans, russians, romans) Killed...
  8. LAnkou

    money words value: bucks, grounds,...

    Well, as i often watch movies and listen music in english languages, i would like to know if someone can explain me how much is worth a buck (which always goes at least by ten if i understand correctly...), a ground (minimum 2 ground) and if there are other words like that... I'm curious on...
  9. LAnkou

    France is (again) world champion of Handball

    Well, all is in the title... Too bad for Denmark who was very brave in finals, even going into prolongations, but Karabatic, Dinard, Fernandez, Omeyer, Guigou and co were too strong...
  10. LAnkou

    Cities not using the center tile yield

    Does it happend to other people than some cities don't get the center tile yield? If it's the case, is it a bug, or is it the consequences of something particular?
  11. LAnkou

    EU led by a dictator for the first 6 month of January...and no one cares!!!

    Hi everyone, as you may not know, EU presidency will be given to Hungary. A law on media adopted and promulgated (is that english?) just recently (just before christmas), have the following goal: -The new "National Medias and Communications Authority" will be able to force medias to...
  12. LAnkou

    AI Bad Timing

    last game, i start expanding with japan. Neighbours are mongolia and siam plus iroquois a little farther... Happy friend fest but, Build two cities a little closer to the mongols...that's when it went bad for him!!! IBT, Temujin warns me that i settle on too much land, then him and siam...
  13. LAnkou

    Reflexions about Happiness, diplomacy and production

    Hi there, I'm currently playing a game as Japan and i had some problem with the following issues: -How can you manage unhappiness? I went down to -15 from conquering egypt, which slow down my production and i was unable to recover for a long time, which delay the rest of my conquering...
  14. LAnkou

    CiV first extension or why Jon Shafer left firaxis...(a joke)

    Hello everyone, I have a relative who works at 2K, and there were some leaks about why shafer left firaxis. He made a presentation about his vision for Civilization V first extension, and there was a huge rebukal from firaxis and 2K representants. Now in both companies, the powerpoint of his...
  15. LAnkou

    alexandre 350BC achievement

    well, just to get the achievement with alex conquering everyone before 350 BC, i create a game duel pangea settler (different achievement i don't have) and conquered at the 59th turn the poor Hiawatha. I didn't get the achievement. Is it because Hiawatha had another city founded or is the...
  16. LAnkou

    Diplomacy between AI Civ, pact of secrecy and cooperation, etc...

    Hi everyone, Does anybody know how you can see the relationship between AI ? Like Alex is friend with gandhi and nappy, but very angry at Cathy? Something that let's see what are the AI groups... Other question: is there somebody who went to see the code and effect of pact of secrecy and...
  17. LAnkou

    Just finished my first game...

    well, i've been victim of the OMT syndrom until 3 o'clock in the morning, so i enjoyed it a lot, but: -after 19h playing (in several sessions), just a "You Win" image is so disappointing. give me a replay, give me a video, give me more satisfaction on what i did!!! even if i knew it, it...
  18. LAnkou

    Civ V on prime time news in France

    In France, Prime time is generally dedicated to news, we even call it "the great celebration of 20h"... Today, i went to see Civilization V on prime a report dedicated to online gaming for strategy game!!! after civ V (which is very famous for MP), there were footages of Dofus...
  19. LAnkou

    how do you know if an AI civ is frielndly or hostile?

    I don't know where I can find this information... I saw in some report that AI became hostile, but i don't know where they saw that...
  20. LAnkou


    I'm not sure what to think anymore... I really went into Civfanatics witbefore Civ IV. I remember clearly that there has been a lot of criticism by Civ III fan when it first came out... I remember clearly that there was some people claiming that "Civ is dead" because of civ IV I remember...
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