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Search results

  1. Elta

    Searching for an old thread

    There was a thread (must have been over 5 years ago) Where someone asked about the possibility of creating a "Rom Israel" in in India. It then devolved into a thread where people defended and attacked Rom people. I tried to search for it myself with no luck. Does anyone remember who...
  2. Elta

    An argument in Favor of a Steady State Economy

    The presentation is by Dan O'Neill Economist at the University of Leeds. It is a good introduction and argument for the Steady State Economy. Z22nvtD2HHE
  3. Elta

    Good evening everyone

    I came to visit. How is everyone?
  4. Elta

    Is this board dead?

    Word on "teh streetz" is that this forum died after the off topic split. Is this true? Why or why not? Please cite your sources in MLA format.
  5. Elta

    Symbolic Nihilism?

    Over the past few months I've been whining to my friends about how I wish I was religious, or believed in destiny. I might believe in destiny, but deep down I chalk it up to superstition. Anyway, I've come up with four 'stances' on destiny, but I am not sure if one of them make sense. - Well, I...
  6. Elta

    Did/does Caribbean music have a disproportionately large impact on global music?

    I found an old 1 gig IPod today in a backpack I don’t use anymore. It’s filled with a bunch of Merengue and Reggae. It occurred to me that, in both English and Spanish music: Jamaican, Dominican, Puerto Rican, and Cuban artist have had a massive influence given the size of the region.
  7. Elta

    Thermostat and weather

    Question: How many months out of the year do you think your home can maintain itself in between 68 F (20C) and 80 (27C) without *intentional heating or cooling? I am trying to keep it off as long as I can, but I can't take it any more. 80 is my limit. This house is about 10 years old...
  8. Elta

    Official Guild Wars 2 OT server!

    I am anticipating that GW2 will be one of the biggest games of the year, and now that open beta weekends have started for preorders, many online communities are announcing servers. I would like to humbly submit Kaineng as a server for CFCOT members to play on together. I am in a guild there...
  9. Elta

    Paranoid about snatching?

  10. Elta

    What does going on a beer run entail?

    Urban dictionary is split on this: @Mods - not sure if this is "too laid back, not enough content" for the new forum, trying to figure out/ get used to the new format.
  11. Elta

    How many of these people have you heard of?

    There is a documentary coming out this summer that I am super hyped for. I was talking about it with a few of my friends the other day and none of them had heard of more than one or two people in it, which is odd considering I've read something written by nearly every one of them o.O Poll...
  12. Elta

    White Genocide

    In White Nationalist circles the term White Genocide gets thrown around a lot, it is usually in reference to "White" people having children with "Non Whites". Is this a fair use of the term genocide in your opinion?
  13. Elta

    Cultural Genocide

    Applying the term genocide is a little strong in my opinion for this context. Most Anthropologist/Sociologist seem to think so.
  14. Elta

    Doomsday currency

    Lately I've been trolling Goldbugs in real life by claiming that in a society changing disaster I would prefer 80 bottles of booze over a single gold coin. But seriously, I don't think it's a bad argument to make. (Depending on exchange rates they cost more or less the same) Your...
  15. Elta

    What could you more easily part with?

    I could do without meat, poultry, fish - killing animals for their meat, but I couldn't be without eggs and milk. Just a poll, wondering who else feels the same way. I happen to wake up early this morning for work, I am having some awesome cafe con leche (50/50 milk/coffee mix). Just...
  16. Elta

    U.S. Dollar as Global Reserve Currency?

    I want to leave this question as open ended as possible and I would like to get some opinions from people who feel well versed on the subject and from people who are not. Overall, in the long term - Is the U.S. dollar being used as a global reserve currency positive for the United States on...
  17. Elta

    There are only two words in my vocabulary tonight (Worse thing you ever said)

    I roleplay when I play Fifa, you heard correct - I roleplay while managing my digital football team. My coach has a personality, all of my players do to - they all have detailed backgrounds of their own, each and everyone of them as fleshed out as any character at the end of a good novel...
  18. Elta

    Who is the scarier driver?

    Young males or young females? I've been in a lot of cars with my friends driving back when I was a young lad, and they always drove way to fast, but I never feared for my life. Often when I drive with a girl in high school/early college, I am in fear for my life. They are driving over the...
  19. Elta

    Of Locust, Sheep and Sheeple

    As much as I am fond of using the term Sheeple, I don't think she are accurate in relation to human group behavior. Sheep are generally easily trained because of their natural fear of predators and the herder and dogs are able to work together to keep them under control. To a degree I think...
  20. Elta

    McDonalds employee defends himself

    9tFvPKHABgk The argument was over the counterman scanning a counterfeit 50 dollar note and then refusing to serve the two assailants. Granted, this cat went over board, but to be honest, I don't see how this wasn't to be expected. When you come at somebody, expect to be came at. Does anyone...
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