• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Search results

  1. C

    One of the reasons I love BNW more than GnK

    I'm playing Shoshone, Huge, continents, 15 civs, King difficulty. I've gotten more than 7 goody huts. I think 9 but can't remember. I'm overpowered as all get-out. Highest score, number 1 in techs thanks to the path finders. Life is good. Then Brazil hits a golden age and declares a different...
  2. C

    ONLINE (as in multiplayer) people that are jerks.

    [Deleted] I say again, this is a complilation of people to avoid ONLINE. Trolling indeed. :mad:
  3. C

    The official, "This user is a [deleted]" Thread

    Post known users, who either, whine, leave games early, complain and moan in the lobby and call others names, etc. <Deleted> gets the honorary first name on the list.
  4. C

    I just dropped over 40 ICBMs

    On greece. it ruined the planet, and I lost. But those irritating greeks who STOLE ONE OF MY CITIES AND TORCHED IT payed.they had the second highest score when i did it, and not so much anymore.
  5. C

    Crashing to Desktop...

    Any news on possible fixes? it looks like a memory leak problem and nothing graphical which causes it. What happens is when you scroll around any fogged areas it instantly crashes to desktop as if you were never playing to begin with. It sucks, but whats worse, sometimes it does it if you're...
  6. C

    To the true civ fanatics out there

    I know I know, the game is Eff'd all to hell for some of us. But it's ok, let's take a deep breathe and help those working to get the problems situated. Instead of complaing I bought a new Video Card. Cost me 185 dollars for one the highest rated GeForce 6600 Cards. so civ cost me 230...
  7. C

    In Soviet Russia...

    The way this works is you say "In Soviet Russia, Game plays you" or something to that effect, but in this case tie it to Civ 4. I'll Start, In Soviet Russia Civ4 units promote you! (Note: Not meant to be offensive to anyone living in soviet russia) :cool:
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