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  1. redtom

    Suing for the Slave Trade!!!!!!!

  2. redtom

    Do you think the Matrix: Reloaded is Francophobic? - Spoiler

    I was watching Matrix: Reloaded the other day when the French sentinal appeared - he seemed to be arrogant, rude and self obsessed. Do you think he was added as an attack on France due to the current French foreign policy?
  3. redtom

    Do you have dyslexia or dyspraxia?

    Today, I am having a test for dyslexia and dyspraxia. I think I am more likely to be dyspraxic - it explains how lot things in my life that sets me apart from everyone, like I have speaking difficulties, understanding masses of information etc. etc. Does anyone else suffer from the above...
  4. redtom


  5. redtom

    Who or what is Waldensian?

    I am currently writing an essay on the 1848 revolutions and I came across something about the emancipation of the Jews and Waldensians. What this all about? Its probably not important for my essay though it is a little confusing
  6. redtom

    Whats the music composer program?

    Hi, i have an embarassing secret I've always wanted to compose music but I've never been talented enough to play an instrument. Recently I've heard of programmes that you write the music and the computer plays it for you. What I want to know which is the best programme to compose a piece of...
  7. redtom

    What is about Tony Blair offering to protect the Palestinians?

    My mate was telling me that Tony Blair, the British Primeminister might assist in protecting Palestinian civilians against the Israeli army. Setting up an independent free Palestine etc. etc. I thought this would superb idea, if we (British) did this then we wouldn't have to fear Arab/Muslim...
  8. redtom

    Your 5 worst movies of all time:

    Since going to university I have seen some seriously bad films: 1. Bicentennial Man - So rubbish I can't be bothered to write anything....f*cking crap. 2. Slackers - It was so obviously written by a committee of people who have never 'slacked' or got stoned in their sad and miserable lifes...
  9. redtom

    Is there still border conflicts in modern Europe?

    I recently read that a few bavarian politicians are demanding the Sudetenland to be "returned" back to Germany. Furthermore, Berwick-upon-Tweed, on the English side of the Scottish Borders is suffering from a confused identity. Whether it will return back to Scotland and reap the rewards of...
  10. redtom

    Do you speak a rare language?

    I happen to be descended from people living on the Anglo-Scottish borders. They had there own language called "Lallans" - It was effectively a mixture of Gaelic, Latin, and Old German. Kinda like English but not. Do you speak a rare language?
  11. redtom

    Why did Brazil claim war on Germany in WWII?

    After reading about Japan's involvement in WWI, it reminded of Brazil's involvement in the Second World War. Does anyone know why it claimed war? Did Mexico claim war? I heard that they sent aid at one point to Londoners who suffered the blitz after somebody wrote the most beautiful, tear...
  12. redtom

    Thats not the way to treat your friends! US and Germany

    The link below is for the current state of Germano-American diplomacy:,6903,896573,00.html I thought people might be interested. What do you think US bullying of Germany? Do you think US has a right to intimidate other countries that it...
  13. redtom

    What if....9/11 never happened?

    What if the "terrible" events that happened on 11 September 2001 never happened? What would have happened the pilots who flew the planes into the World Trade Towers crashed and died in training? -So nobody knew of their plan What would have happened if they were stopped before the attack...
  14. redtom

    What if....Russia never sold Alaska?

    This is a what if I can never talk much of but here's the basic facts of the sale: By the early nineteenth century, America was becoming a commercial force in the Pacific. Merchant ships sailed the northwest coast of the continent in search of furs and the North Pacific became a region of...
  15. redtom

    Did you go to an anti-war demostration?

    I went to the largest demostration in British history in London yesterday. It was superb. Did anyone else attend an anti-war demostration? If you did, what was your experience? Did anyone else experience anti-semitism? This was the big downer for me on the march. It made me feel so...
  16. redtom

    Americans told to stockpile food

    The United States government is warning the American public to prepare for a chemical biological nuclear attack. The US Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge says the latest alert is the most significant since the 2001 attacks in New York and Washington. Pretty shocking stuff, US officials...
  17. redtom

    What happened to the pontic Greeks and Germans?

    I remember reading in Norman Davies' "Europe: A History" about Greek colonists from Classical still existing on the Black Sea coast until relatively recently. That's all it says, but it doesn't mention whether they are still culturally and linguistically minority still there. I also read...
  18. redtom

    How much do you drink?

    I've become a student, and as a student I drink a lot, How much do you drink? What do you drink? I drink somewhere between 40 and 60 a week. I didn't realise until I added it up. I mainly drink Vodka or Tequila, straight, no ice. But if there is proper hand pulled ale or bitter then I...
  19. redtom

    What do you believe about immigration?

    Every day I open a newspaper in Britain there is a tirade about the number immigrants coming in, stealing are jobs, taking are women, blah, blah etc. etc. Please note: That the majority of immigrants that come from third world countries emigrate to third world countries. There is a...
  20. redtom

    Favourite Radiohead Album?

    Whats your favourite Radiohead album?
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