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  1. mrjepson

    [GS] Maori Land Start

    So I fired up a game today to try out the Maori now that I've tried out a few of the other mechanics with other civs. I was very surprised to start on land instead of in the ocean. I was one tile away from the coast. I could have left but starting on the edge of a jungle full of resources was...
  2. mrjepson

    [R&F] Close Starts and Loyalty

    I'm working my way back up in difficulty with R&F and had my first emperor game. Of course I had two civs (France and Poland) start right beside me and settle right beside my capitol. O thought I would stick it out and see how the loyalty would work out. It took a couple ages until conditions...
  3. mrjepson

    Dynamic Case/Keyboard Lights

    Has anyone else with case and keyboard lights noticed that the game will colour them based on your civ colours? I've only made it through a few games but I now look forward to seeing what colour comes up for each new civ, Rome is my favourite so far. They also turn red whenever you are at war...
  4. mrjepson

    Early Contact Victory Option

    I'm playing a small map on Apollo and got both pieces of the signal on turn 45. I decided not to bother decoding the signal since it would take 56 turns at my current production value and instead focused on getting up to four cities to pump production into my capitol and get some more...
  5. mrjepson

    Beacon Back-up Plan

    I finally got the option to win with Contact Victory. Just in case they came for it I thought I would have a back-up victory plan ready to go :mischief:
  6. mrjepson

    Should I keep expanding?

    I'm currently playing a large pangea immortal game as China and have run into something I haven't seen before, despite aggressively expanding to ten cities I still have 37 happiness (I got the fountain of youth, half decent religious traits, and the ability to build circuses in most cities)...
  7. mrjepson

    Carthage UHV - Dye Control

    Everything I read indicated that I only needed to control the territory with the three dye in it. However when the year came for that UHV condition it indicated I failed. I reloaded and put some roads on the resources to check if that did it and it made no difference. Next I reloaded and gave...
  8. mrjepson

    Production is based on next turn not current turn

    Production seems to be working like this: TotalHammersBuilt(n) = TotalHammersBuilt(n-1) + HammersToBeBuilt(n) and not TotalHammersBuilt(n) = TotalHammersBuilt(n-1) + HammersToBeBuilt(n-1) as it would make sense. This usually isn't notacable because the calculation takes place at...
  9. mrjepson

    Babylon UHV: Cultural Condition

    I just finished a game as the Babylonians but did not get credit for the win. I got credit for having the largest city but not the one for the largest culture even though my city is on top of the top 5 list and has been for several turns (possibly as many as 10 turns prior to turn 87). I...
  10. mrjepson

    Which laptops run Civ4?

    I'm looking to buy a new laptop and want to make sure it runs civ 4. Could someone who has it working on a laptop let me know what they have?
  11. mrjepson

    Organised - A mini-study

    I decided last night to sit down and go through a pile of save games to analyse the difference between Financial and Organised. I did this because everyone is alway posting about how terrible Organised is for saving money and that Financial is strictly better. It wasn't that I didn't believe...
  12. mrjepson

    How do I hold on to my lead?

    I have been playing a very agressive game on small, pangea, monarch, as the inca who are financial and aggressive. I am the points leading getting into the gunpowder era but am seemingly permanently behind the computers in tech. There are three AI remaining one hates me, but isn't a problem...
  13. mrjepson

    Old Growth Forests

    I have noticed that forest squares that stick around for a long time have a much better chop value. As time went on in my game forests began netting me 60 hammers or more. This is a considerable boost and makes it worth ckecking out how much a forest is worth before you chop. If your into...
  14. mrjepson

    Culture Bomb can cause war?

    I finally tried out this culture bomb idea due to having a city in the ideal spot for it. Trouble was as soon as "bombed" the AI declared war on me. The only resource I captured was pigs so I didn't think that would make him so mad. Admittedly he hated my with the burning passion of a...
  15. mrjepson

    Monarch Aggressive Strategy

    I decided to change up my peaceful strategy for some waring last night and it was very rewarding, in both my points and fun :-) I played as the Inca on small pangea and spent my first 8-15 builds on their special warriors. Using these i striped my neighbours of their free workers and...
  16. mrjepson

    Fast Worker (Indian Unique Unit)

    Does this unit actually complete improvements faster as well? This isn't listed anywhere I can find and I'm at work so I can't test it.
  17. mrjepson

    Multiple Religions, Multiple Lines of Sight?

    This is what everyone keeps claiming yet in everygame where I control multiple religions I only recieve line of site with converted cities of my state religion. So even when I found Taoism and it spreads I don't recieve line of sight in the cities it spreads with if my state religion is not...
  18. mrjepson

    Do Upgraded Units Keep Their Promotions/Experience?

    I haven't had the situation come up yet but I would like to know in case I'm going to take an elite unit and make it a green unit with only marginally better stats at considerable expense.
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