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    Steam Servers are currently too busy to handle your request. Please try again in a fe

    I've been getting a message from Steam that the servers are too busy for 30 minutes now. Anyone else having this issue?

    How much money does Mali need for UHV condition 1?

    I'm playing a game on Monarch and had about 2400 gold at 1300 AD... but I failed complete this victory condition. Rhyswiki implies that something on the order of 1300 gold should be sufficient, so I am well ahead of that. Is there a way to check how much gold everyone else has? I used WB to...

    Some ideas and suggestions

    I've been playing a bit of RFC lately, working on completing all of the UHVs at Monarch, and I've had a few ideas I thought I would suggest: The Dutch are famous for their windmills, but they are unable to build any in the continental Netherlands. Would it be possible (or desirable) to allow...

    FFH UHVs? (Unique Historical Victory)

    So while waiting for Kael and Co. to complete the port to BTS, I played a fair bit of Rhys' and Fall of Civilization (RFC), which is second in popularity only to FFH2. Beside the uncommon historicity of the experience (and perhaps some of the new game mechanics), my favorite aspect of the mod...

    Apparent Bug: Panzer don't require Oil

    BTS Version. The title says it all; Panzers can be built without Oil. Since Germany has some motivation to rush Industrialization anyway, I would expect other players to be affected by this as well.

    Children of Kyorlin: Number of Marks?

    How are the Marks of the Children of Kyorlin determined? I've noticed that sometimes I have units with 4+ Marks and other time I have units with only 1 Mark.

    Tower of Mastery Victory

    I think most will agree that there are currently issues with the Tower of Mastery victory (although not nearly as pressing as the recent Altar of the Luonnotar issues). AI Has anyone witnessed an AI Tower of Mastery victory? Does the AI even know how to accomplish it? They often seem to...

    Barbarian Design idea

    As it is, Barbarians are effectively only one race: Orc. Although this is satisfactory (only) in normal games, it leaves something to be desired on the scenario-making end, where one might want to make barbarian cities that are non-orc. (Nikis-Knight, for example, made a scenario where the...

    Flood Plains --> Burning Sands?

    Currently Flood Plains (3F 1G) are converted to Burning Sands (0!) when they become hellish terrain, destroying upgrades as well. (ie. 3F 6G Towns) Is this intentional? Flood Plains cannot currently be converted to Plains via Spring, so this really, really hurts AV on Flood Plains (who...

    Sailors Dirge, Barrows, and Ruins + 'No Barbarians'

    I'm updating TCSMoooo's Age of Rebirth scenarios to 016. One issue is the random spawning of the Dirge, Barrows, and Ruins, often within Civ's territory.As I understand, replacing 'Raging Barbarians' with the setting 'No Barbarians' will prevent the spawning of the Dirge, Barrows, and Ruins...

    Mod Request: In Game Music Player Controls

    The Custom Music option it nice, but it would be much nicer if one actually could control the music that was being played. (Forward, Back, Pause, Volume, Random On/Off, etc.) Anyone interested in writing a mod for this? It can't be too difficult.
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