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  1. eewallace

    The lady leaders--who is best at what?

    I realized that I haven't played any of the ladies since BNW came out, so I was thinking of trying for each victory type with one of the ladies. For conquest, I'm thinking Wu or Elizabeth would be best. Or maybe Catherine? For cultural...Hmmm...maybe Maria Theresa for generating GPs...
  2. eewallace

    Advice on excellent Poland start?

    I've got a game going as Poland (king, continents, standard map) with a REALLY beautiful starting position and am looking for advice on how to maximize my potential here. I have a lovely area enclosed by a mountain range and am thinking of building a tall, super-secure empire with a...
  3. eewallace

    Advice on jungle starts?

    The last two random games I've started have given me jungle starts. I gave up on Brazil after discovering I was isolated. Korea looked a bit better despite very dense jungle...until Atilla rolled in with his battering rams and half-a-dozen warriors while I had barely got 2 archers, a worker and...
  4. eewallace

    How viable is space race victory in BNW?

    After winning a good number of culture and diplomacy victories, I've been trying for a science victory, but so far no luck--even my current game as Babylon looks like it probably won't last long enough for me to build my space ship. Playing on king, continents, standard. I've got plenty of...
  5. eewallace

    Best civ in BNW for a science victory?

    I'm having lots of fun with BNW and have had several cultural and diplomatic victories already. Since the game does seem pretty biased against warfare at the moment, I thought I'd try to build a spaceship next time--which I'm guessing might be a bit difficult as cultural and diplomatic...
  6. eewallace

    BUG REPORT: Wonders going to wrong civ

    We have encountered this problem at least twice (possibly 3 times) in Game 1394. I know it has been reported before, but we may have a clue about it. I'm queen of Egyptians, and each time we build a wonder, it first announces that we have built the wonder, then immediately afterward announces...
  7. eewallace

    Unit promotions from ancient ruins--a game-breaker when it happens?

    I had heard of this before but never experienced it... Had my first chinese scout luck into goodie huts that gave unit promotions and ended up with a chinese rifleman in about 500 BC. This unit (with a backup archer and general) cleared my whole small continent (2 other civs, 7 city-states)...
  8. eewallace

    Which civ is most fun for a space race?

    I've done some satisfying warmongering as the Greeks and Aztecs, and done a cultural victory with Gandhi, so I'm now ready to try for a science victory (which was my favorite in Civ IV). The choice of good civs for warmongering and cultural victory seemed pretty obvious, but which is good for...
  9. eewallace

    Beijing 2008 scenario: Anyone interested?

    I didn't play much civ while watching the Olympics the last few weeks, but a couple of days I thought of an interesting scenario to build for civ. I've got it about 3/4 done, and thought I'd post it here if there was any interest in it. It is made with BTS 3.17 plus the unofficial patch...
  10. eewallace

    Quick question about Imperialistic trait

    I've just started a game with Justinian, who has imperialistic--a trait I'm not accustomed to. In games with non-imperialistic leaders, hammers and food seem to count equally toward building a settler. With Justinian, though, hammers are much better than food for bulding settlers. Can...
  11. eewallace

    Are peaceful games impossible on prince level?

    I've run about half a dozen games on prince level now (normal speed, usually fractal maps, various leaders) and it may be too soon to be making any judgments on this, but it seems that in the games where I do well consistently throughout the game are the ones where I have a neighbor close enough...
  12. eewallace

    Dotmap this: An Embarrassment of Riches!

    I just started a new game on prince level (standard, normal speed, medium sized map, hemispheres) and have what looks to be a really pretty starting position. The founding city isn't that great, but cities two and three have left me in a really nice position, I think. No copper, and I have the...
  13. eewallace

    Tips on Playing the French? (BTS)

    I've recently moved to prince level and am looking for a new challenge. Looking at my high scores, I realized I have never played any of the French leaders, so I'm thinking my next game should be as France. I usually play normal speed, standard size, fractal or continents, with random AI...
  14. eewallace

    Elephant Rush?

    I've just started a game as Hannibal (BTS, prince, normal speed, large continents map) and my area appears fairly rich in food/happiness resources but lacking in iron and copper. But I have horses and elephants. Ramesses is cutting me off from the rest of the continent, and he doesn't seem to...
  15. eewallace

    First attempt at Prince--need advice!

    I've just started my first prince game, after finally managing to win all victory conditions on noble. I've started as Darius, prince, medium fractal map, normal speed, standard number of opponents (7 I think?), with no tech brokering. The start position looked nice. Here's the problem...
  16. eewallace

    Advice on playing Hammurabi?

    I've started a game on noble/small/continents and randomly drew Hammurabi, who I've never played before. I usually play builder/defensive games, but this one has some real potential for warmongering. I'm at a bottleneck in the upper middle of a continent, with Willem due north and Victoria NE...
  17. eewallace

    Quick question about free religion

    Since getting BTS, I've used state religions alot because there are so many benefits to them, but here's my question. In my current game I'm going for space race and could use the science boost from free religion. This civic choice says both "no state religion" and "+1 happy per non-state...
  18. eewallace

    More early barbarian events with 3.13?

    Since I've patched BTS, in about half a dozen starts, I've had TWO that have had a barbarian uprising event that produces 4 archers outside of my capitol in the extreme early stages of the game, e.g., when I have only built either 1 or 2 warriors, have not yet had a chance to research...
  19. eewallace

    Most versatile civ/leader?

    I've been experimenting with various civs and leaders (not unrestricted though) to try to determine which might be the most versatile. By that I mean who is most likely to be able to pull off the most types of victory from virtually any starting position. So far, I've found that the ones...
  20. eewallace

    Best civ/leader for space race victory?

    I've had cultural and military victories so far in BTS, but haven't yet won the space race. Yesterday, I tried using Darius, but was beaten by the Russians. Which is the best civ for the space race? I'm thinking maybe Russians/Peter look good, given the UB for building spaceship parts. Or...
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