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  1. DrewBledsoe

    Combining Workers

    So you have a worker building a farm. You build another worker to join him, and send him to combine with the former. But the former has already commenced his work orders for that turn, so you have to shift double left click the tile, and then reissue the work order sometimes twice. (and forget...
  2. DrewBledsoe

    Better Ai? If you're 14...

    You know...I've had enough, of "better ai".. I had enough of "better ai" about 2 yrs ago..It's better, if you're 14 and all of your opponents are about 14. That's it's level. It has absolutely no sense, no level of realsim, absolutely nothing. It basically spoils the game. Great achievment...
  3. DrewBledsoe

    Horrible City Placement

    I'm not sure if this is anything you guys have worked on, if not then apologies here and now. What on earth is Shanghai doing where it is? It's attempting to share one 4 Of Bejing's tiles-unnecessarily-, and it's basically killed 4 of it's own tiles by being one away from the coast-also...
  4. DrewBledsoe

    Bug: forum's name misspelled :)

    Civ4Col - Bug Rerports :- (Your typing) Sorry Thunderfall :mischief: Once changed, pls delete my thread, thanks..
  5. DrewBledsoe

    Col II-Hardware T&L Check or Not?

    Here's quite an important question, if someone can confirm yes or no pls:- Does COL II check for HARDware T&L? (BTS doesn't,most games don't, and therefore Intel onboards grahics owners are fine with them, as long as you alter the.ini file to hide min spec warning, and have a good chunk of...
  6. DrewBledsoe

    AI City Placement Horror Stories (Yet Again -Sorry)

    Taken that the ai (given the choice) will build on the blue circle suggestions....Just a couple of screenshots to illustrate...the first I actually think wins the dumbest prize of all time (possibly);)...and yes its a mod Im playing but the city founding algorithms havent been touched...
  7. DrewBledsoe

    Constant Stupid Ai Early City Placement

    OK, sometimes, and not really that often, it can be beneficial to build those "3 tile apart cities" special circumstances in the very early game, as land fillers in the very late game. But the ai seems to be on a mission to do this in virtually every game, right off the bat. Take this...
  8. DrewBledsoe

    A Hilly Obsession

    Ok, we all know the ai LOVES building cities on hills, which when they fit as the best location, are generally a good idea. But with 3.13, I seem to be seeing more and more cities built in well, plainly stupid locations. Here's an example from todays game. The city ruinis, are where the...
  9. DrewBledsoe

    Resource Trade Bug

    The ai now seems to think 3,5 or more same value resources are equal to one...e.g. It wants Corn, Pigs, Wheat and Wine for Dyes. Then a few turns later, it appears offering Dye for Wine on a one to one basis... Numerous examples in this thread...
  10. DrewBledsoe

    Patch 3.13 early thoughts

    Ok playing a marathon/huge/13 civs/rand pers/agg ais/hemispheres game from fresh, Im up to 500 AD ish. Now one part game doesn't necessarily mean anything but a couple of wary points. Firstly, 5 civs on my continent, all teching much, much faster than before, which is good. BUT not one...
  11. DrewBledsoe

    The Apostolic Palace--Locked Religion?

    I really should know this, but I'm not sure, so............ If I complete the AP as Jewish, and my neighbour gets voted in as leader, then later I switch to Hindhu, do new leader elections take place? In other words, if the AP gets built by someone of the Jewish faith, is the building...
  12. DrewBledsoe

    UN and Denied Resolutions-Wrong Way of Doing Things?

    Forgive me if this has been brought up before, but isn't the way the UN works completely wrong in cases? Here's what I mean....Mansa builds the UN, submits Universal Sufferage as a proposal, and 13 nations vote yes, but one little brand new colony denies the motion, thus it fails. Surely the...
  13. DrewBledsoe

    Forts,Airlifts and Rebasing Aircraft

    A fort is supposed to act like a city ok. So why if you build a fort in neutral territory, can't you airlift units to it (one per turn would be fair), and why on earth can't you rebase aircraft there? It cropped up in a recent game, there was a one tile island that no-one wanted to build on...
  14. DrewBledsoe

    Marathon Players- Where Did The Barbs Go?

    Just a question to all fellow Marathon players, do you think the level has become too watered down, through the lack of Barbs now appearing? Those that do, seem to have the motto "Ooh A city, RUN AWAY!!RUN AWAY!!".... What do ya think?
  15. DrewBledsoe

    Agg ais-slow teching-Observations and Reasoning

    Ok, I have now played a lot of huge map marathon games (most at emp or monarch), with agg ai and rand personalities, and while sometimes an odd ai will tech like a beast, they don't most of the time. The first point is many more troops than warlords, obvious, but I'd like to come to that...
  16. DrewBledsoe

    Duplicate Leader in Charge of Colony

    Wang Kon created a colony, and the prog decided to put a new leader in charge of it called....Wang Kon.....multiple confusion arising. EDIT: Sorry should have checked the bug reports sticky first, this has already been highlighted.
  17. DrewBledsoe

    Vassal-Should I bug this?

    Scenario:- Charlemagne dow on me. Gets slaughtered (another crazy agg ai dow horse archers and maces vs rifles, but that isn't the point here). Five turns later, he's ready for peace, and I'm glad, as the second he attacked, Caeser's stack of 80+ units started moving up to attack me yet again...
  18. DrewBledsoe

    Privateer Pillaging Noise "Bug"

    Ok this is rather petty but nowhere else to report it so:- If you reach chemistry first and have a large number of Privateers pillaging others trade routes, then instead of a small "tiinkle- coins dropping noise" at the start of each turn the sound is multiplied in volume, With 8 or 10 cities...
  19. DrewBledsoe

    Vanilla Civ IV on Crack

    Whoever is responsible for the HUGE disparity in speed of gameplay between Warlods/ Vanilla Civ Iv, stand up and take a bow :goodjob: Whether you did it through improved (diminshed?) python calls etc. or whatever, its an amazing acheivement. Even with the "better" ai spamming troops left...
  20. DrewBledsoe

    Corporations-Founding Conditions

    Ok I have a scientist, I have corporations, why can't I found the ethanol corp? What am I missing?
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