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Search results

  1. friskymike

    Why conservatives REALLY care about immigration...

    ... and its not to do with demographic factors as suggested in the other thread. I think its because they are completely paranoid and need an enemy to justify their continuing attack on civil liberties and the US constitution. Billmon says it best: First it was the communists, then the...
  2. friskymike

    Peak Oil: Does your country "get it"?

    I was recently introduced to the wonders of Google Trends in an open thread at The Oil Drum (which, by the way, is by far the best source for factual, non-panic-mongering information & discussion about Peak Oil) Trending 'peak oil' provides some interesting insights. (Sorry I can't post...
  3. friskymike

    Gulf warmer than this time last year

    From http://www.standeyo.com/NEWS/06_Earth_Changes/060510.Gulf.warmer.html This is the area where hurricanes form. I hope any Civfanatics reading in the the hurricane alley area of the US have evacuation plans ready and have discussed this with their neighbours. Good luck, I really hope...
  4. friskymike

    Norway Stops Oil Exports, Prices Surge [Fictional]

    From http://www.energybulletin.net/15684.html This is a work of fiction by an energy investment banker. Today, all operators in the oil sector in Norway received the same message from the authorities: "Starting today, Norway will no longer authorise oil exports from its territory. You are...
  5. friskymike

    Recommend some electronic music albums

    Lets try and keep the thread credible - no obvious, lowest common denominator formulaic music please, ie music with some subtly that requires some education and experience to enjoy fully, like a fine wine :D On a downbeat tip, I recently got Boards of Canada's new one The Campfire Headphase...
  6. friskymike

    US Historian: Worst President in History

    In May of 2004, there was a report by a number of historians that put George W. Bush's first term performance up against other presidents, and even back then the result wasn't pretty. And now, we have another leading historian give an updated (and unbiased) assessment of Bush's performance. The...
  7. friskymike

    FM01 Team Barbarian OCC (Prince)

    Our city-state of anarchists will have as little to do as possible with the decadent so-called "civilisations" of the world. We hanker for a world led by the so-called "barbarians" where man can truly be free from the chains of the the nation-states. Goal: Win by Team Barbarian, excluding...
  8. friskymike

    Barbarians & difficulty levels

    Does anyone know how barbarian activity scales with difficutly level? e.g. Do they get more production bonuses like the AI does as you increase difficulty? Do they spawn more, get better units earlier, and found cities earlier? JerichoHill, I'm looking at you :)
  9. friskymike

    How city governors work and best way to use them

    The problem with micromanaging every tile is with larger empires its extremely time consuming to check every city that might have grown every turn, or had its landscape changed by workers, and you often end up with non-optimal tiles. Governors react immediately to changes. I've found that in...
  10. friskymike

    Amount of food to grow?

    Can someone please point me to where I can find the amount of food to grow to various sizes. I know I can find it in-game, but I want to calculate how quickly a whipped city will grow. We are planning on putting the Globe Theatre in a city with 3 seafood resources, I wanted to work out how...
  11. friskymike

    Hammurabi stars in political cartoon!

    Supporting actors: G W Bush & Alberto Gonzales In the latest Keyboard Kommandos Komic (scroll down to about frame 10 or so)
  12. friskymike

    Request: Civics info.

    Hello. Maybe somebody has already done this but it would be great to have much more information about the effect of changing civics. Currently, the game only tells you the civic upkeep cost when you click on different civics. It would be nice to know the effect on: Total Commerce Total Gold...
  13. friskymike

    FM01 - Spanish Missionaries - Prince Std Pangaea

    GAME ON HOLD Due to lack of interest and other SG commitments. I'll probably bump this up to the top at a later stage. Feel free to comment on the rules and request to be informed if/when it gets going. I'd like to run a variant succession game with the primary goal to spread our religion to...
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