• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Search results

  1. M

    Fall Under: A Module for RiFE

    At Valk's suggestion, and to keep from cluttering up the Kahdi thread, I decided to add a thread for discussing my new module for RiFE 1.23. It's essentially a collection of small changes that I've made since Modular XML got upgraded in Fall Further. You can download the module here...
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    Help: Adding and implementing new commerce types?

    Hi, I'm trying to add a new commerce type (like Research and Culture) but I can't find any tutorials on how to do it. My plan was to have priests and religious buildings provide a "Piety" commerce type that would affect how quickly your state religion spreads, among other things. Has anyone done...
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    Has anyone actually gotten the Circle of Galean?

    I saw in the schedule thread that you can get the Circle of Galean guild by letting the willful apprentice conduct his experiments, but even though I let him do that when the option is available, the guild never appears. The AI doesn't seem to found the Circle, either, so I'm wondering if anyone...
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    [Python Help] Running a Function Before Combat

    I'm working on a formations mod that applies promotions based on who occupies the area surrounding each unit, but I've run into a snag. I know how to run functions when a unit moves, but I also want to run the same function on the defender before combat begins so the defender's promotions...
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    Legend of Zelda:Arbiter's Grounds (Model/Texture Only)

    Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Arbiter's Grounds Model for Civ4 v1 by Mr.Underhill Overview: ---------- This is a building modeled after Dungeon 4 (Arbiter's Grounds) in the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. If you plan on making a Zelda mod, or just any fantasy mod with a desert-style...
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    Malakim Immortal Model (v1.0) for FfH 2.16

    Malakim Immortal Model (v1.0) for Fall From Heaven 2.16 ------------------------------------ By Kevin C (MrUnderhill) Inspired by Oddbasket's Glass Armor Replacement mod for TES4 (http://www.tessource.net/files/file.php?id=6770) DESCRIPTION ------------------ What is this mod...
  7. M

    Tower of Mastery Victory

    Continued from the teaser thread: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=185851&page=9 (Posts 177-onward are mostly about the towers) Current suggestions:
  8. M

    The Svartalfar (Ideas and Suggestions)

    I was looking through the civ list on the forum, and I noticed that (IMO) the Svartalfar (dark elves) didn't have very much flavor other than being "elves, but evil!", which is probably because they aren't a full-fleged civ yet, but still, I thought it kind of sucked for such a great mod to have...
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    [Python Help] CYTechChooser.py

    I've finally gotten down to modding Civ4 in Python and I've already run into a bug. I've gotten it so that "and" prereqs get arrows drawn for them instead of "or" prereqs, but to make it more compatible with the existing tech tree (and other mods), I want to make it so that if a tech has only 1...
  10. M

    WinXP Random Freezing HELP!!

    Hello, all. After about a week of frustration I'm about ready to throw my computer out the window. When I upgraded my video card (ATI Radeon 9200 -> 9550), I noticed that after a while it would lock up and stop responding, particularly when I was playing WinAmp and browsing the web in FireFox...
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    Trial and Triumph: Major Mod (WIP)

    Civilization IV: Trial and Triumph Hello, Civfanatics. This is a progress thread for my upcoming mod of Civilization 4, called “Trial and Triumph”. My hope is to do for Civ4 what “Rise and Rule”, “Rhye's of Civilization” and other modpacks did for Civ3; create a new environment of play that...
  12. M

    A New Religion System Based on Strength.

    Okay, I came up with an idea for a religion system that may or may not reflect the real world more acurately, and I wanted an opinion on it. Each civ with a religion has a "religious strength" score. Each city with your state religion adds 2 to this score, while each city that doesn't...
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