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  1. joelwest

    defy UN, get five unhappiness - NOT

    I was playing the "Legends of Revolutions" mod for BtS and noticed that defying the UN gave each of my cities five unhappiness every time I did this. after defying UN resolutions three times my civ was all but at a standstill due to the missing food, even with the Cereal Mills corp in most of...
  2. joelwest

    which xml file contains the flag for moving through peaks?

    which xml file contains the flag for moving through peaks? I always allowed this in Civ 3, but there are so many xml files in Civ 4 I hardly know where to start to look has anyone created a handbook to commonly modded xml flags, such as relative city size visuals, etc? joelwest
  3. joelwest

    has anyone created a BtS mod to allow ROP but reject foreign corporation recruiters?

    has anyone created a BtS mod to allow Right Of Passage but reject (selected) foreign corporation recruiters? for details, see spoiler below - I would also like to know if a BtS mod has been created to return Espionage back to that found in Warlords and Civ 4. there is a patch to disable...
  4. joelwest

    has a detailed study of Civ 4 diplomacy been done?

    the reason I am interested is that I am trying to simulate Civ 4 in C3C in a mod called "Test IV Time", T4T for short. see link in my sig there are six diplomacy flags that a tech can enable in Civ 3 in the spoiler below - joelwest
  5. joelwest

    mod to remove espionage???

    I installed BtS a coupla years ago but stopped playing it when I realized that the new espionage featrue amounted to just an overhead tax on all civs and added nothing to the gameplay have someone written a mod to do nothing but disable the espionage in Civ 4 BtS? or render it harmless? or...
  6. joelwest

    advanced start possible? coastal tile glitch?

    I am trying to make the C3C Test IV Time mod act as close as possible as Civ 4 (see link in my sig) Civ 4 allows for advanced starts in later eras. I looked around in the Civ 3 editor and found no such option. if this is not available, how do you debug your improvements and wonders without...
  7. joelwest

    BUG - sack of Havana never changes governor

    Havana was prettily heavily fortified so I sent a pirate ship to reduce its garrison. I then attack Havana after landing on shore. usually at most two attempts either by sea or by land will change a governor. I have sacked Havana at least ten times, including at least twice with ZERO soldiers...
  8. joelwest

    MOD - make your own sails and flags for your ship

    the recipe for doing this is in the spoiler below - ======================================== has a good set of sails in the mod section. I zipped up the ones I like not baseball related below - baseball related flags and sails below - the second post in...
  9. joelwest

    STRATEGY - beyond the basics

    assuming you can only perform a "good enough" dance there is a pretty comprehensive guide to Pirates at in the Guide section unfortunately some of the info in this guide is incorrect or misleading I found another post on that site crew discontent guide that gives the...
  10. joelwest

    strategies to find Lost Cities

    apparently the "southeast of Campeche" maps are common and hard to solve my own such map does not show water on the East (only one geyser and three arches), so I do not know how far inland this may be in such cases is the Lost City usually near the coast? one poster said he had to go all the...
  11. joelwest

    [MODCOMP] Natives as viable

    Native tribes viable 1.0 all tribes playable, but no victory conditions (cannot accrue FF points) xml has comments regarding changes natives can work in basic colonial buildings native soldiers can now fortify themselves just like colonial soldiers update file reference in shortcut link to...
  12. joelwest

    improvement suggestions

    since the REF has dragoons with higher promotions than colonial dragoons (unless vet soldiers were purchased, or extensive military experience was earned) it makes sense to create a mini-mod with the Civ 4 tile improvements of Lookout Tower and Fort as two more tile improvements a Pioneer can...
  13. joelwest

    one tile city spacing

    the original 1994 had one tile city spacing so that you could build a chain of cities to form a dock bridge over an isthmus in that cities in Civ 4 Col are still vastly different from cities in Civ 4 I think it is reasonable to allow cities right next to each other. as it is the natives allow...
  14. joelwest

    how do you turn unit autopromote off?

    when you get a Great General you get to select the promotions otherwise the units are autopromoted and I do not see a switch to turn it off does anyone know where this switch is in the xml files?
  15. joelwest

    add on scenario to Test IV Time mod . . .

    complete add on scenario to stargate's Test IV Time mod is available here - or directly at - just the non-unit updates are available at -...
  16. joelwest

    Joel's terrain, a new compilation of bright terrain

    compilation by joelwest of terrain files from various terrain packs - Ares de Borg, CCJ39, Cordy, Rhye, Sn00py's Terrain Greener, Warpstorm's Watercolor Terrain, etc. my intent was to compile brighter greener terrain that is easy to read and similar in legibility to Civ 4 terrain. I went file...
  17. joelwest

    Civ 4 player trying to readapt to Civ 3 needs help . .

    The biggest adjustments in going back to Civ 3 from Civ 4 are no longer having your combat odds precalculated, and no longer being able see to tile production (food/shield/coin) automatically without either haivng to go to a city screen or right clicking on a tile. I found various combat...
  18. joelwest

    Damage in the revised starting era

    thie subject of "damage in the revised starting era" deserves its own thread since so many thay types of damage are possible. however I personally feed attrition (ie a steady loss of health for time spent outside a city) while faithful to the actual uninviting conditions of the moon was a...
  19. joelwest


    this thread is intended for discussion of revised Moon maps and the possible adaption of non Moon based (terran) maps for use in the SotM mod. there is another separate thread for terrain that appears on a map.
  20. joelwest

    Game in progress bug report

    this thread will evolve as newer versions of SotM are released as each version will contain different bugs. I dunno if this thread should be just for developers who report bugs or for anyone playing the most current SotM mod who reports a bug. if a bug is real a solution is needed or the...
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