• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

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  1. 5

    Monty Mad at Me?

    I couldn't get it on a Colo-screenshot of it, but for some reason Motezuma's really mad at me! He attacked me, I beat him up and destroyed all his cities but one (it's behind the Spanish) then plunked new colonies mostly where his old cities were. The result? -4 your way of life -4 this...
  2. 5

    Silly Side Effect

    Of beating up Euros early on, or later even (but less so then). I complained that it's too easy to beat up your fellow Euros early on. A free town, and a Hardy Pioneer (thanks France!) are too much for this cat to resist! Esp there's no adverse effects! By the time the colony settles down (3...
  3. 5

    Treasure and the REF?

    I was wondering (being a curious kind of cat) Do those Treasure units you cash in with the King's help improve his cash? If you send a Treasure to Europe, at his generous 50+ %% cut, does the moeny end up building the Royal Expeditionary Force (REF) ?? You Python savvy folks might know.
  4. 5

    Beating Up Europeans?

    Hi everybody! I've been away since I got sick of regular Civ4, I love the new Colonization! However, one of the things bugging me is: it's just too easy to beat up the early European colonies! You hop next to his pioneer, capture it, then capture his town. Simple! Too simple, eh? You can...
  5. 5

    No Happy Huts?

    No Happy Huts = bad start = bad game. It is unbelievable how much difference getting a few Happy Huts makes. Good ones I mean, not 'heal unit' or gold. Getting a Tech is huge! Even a scout or a warrior is a big deal. The Ai is skilled at grabbing all the huts they can! Almost as if... they...
  6. 5

    On The 8th Day

    Lots of talk of God in another thread, eh? Interesting that there's Religion in Civ4, but no God, hummmm. On the 8th day, God created Civ4, and Lo! We haven't seen him since! Discussion?
  7. 5

    Peace Treaty Counting As Trade?

    I just noticed this: A friendly nation asked me to stop trading with Asoka. Since I'd just finished a big war with Asoka, I wondered what trades I currently had. It turns out the Peace Treaty was the only thing! Guys: A Peace Treaty, which you cannot cancel or change, shouldn't count against...
  8. 5

    Weird Map! (Large)

    And it was randomly generated! Large, Custom Continents (3), Prince, Classic start time, normal speed. It made this all by itself! I tweaked it only a little, to connect the cental island with more than one route, and to beef it up a bit. Otherwise it's pretty much just the way it was...
  9. 5

    You Can Laugh At My Puter...

    But I can run Civ4! AMD Duron 600mhz 512 ram 256 video card (BFG) Windows ME :lol: :lol: :lol: YEah it's several years old, but I can't currently afford to replace the motherboard & chip. Well, I used to run Civ4, but since the v1.52 patch I get the error message: "civ4 has...
  10. 5

    v1.52 Bug? cvgamecoredll error

    I posted this in the bug page, but there's more people viewing here :) When I try to start civ4, it tells me there's a problem with cvgamecoredll.dll I restarted & it's still doing it. It didn't do this with v1.09! I have the Harkonnen memory patch installed, must I uninstall that first...
  11. 5

    v1.52 cvgamecoredll problem

    When I try to start civ4, it tells me there's a problem with cvgamecoredll.dll It didn't do this with v1.09! I have the Harkonnen memory patch installed, must I uninstall that first? How? Heeeelllppp! Ps: My first post here! :)
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