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  1. drkodos

    Why Am I Unable to Create Corporate Executives?

    I've patched and searched. I used a Great Person (Artist) to create the Corp Headquarters. I've teched until Future Tech, and still no icon that makes building (?!) an executive. :confused: Despite re-reading, did I miss the part in the Civlopedia where it gives up the necessary methods...
  2. drkodos

    Only Chicken Little believes in Human Induced Global Warming

    Original Document Link Here: The Faithful Heretic A Wisconsin Icon Pursues Tough Questions "Some people are lucky enough to enjoy their work, some are lucky enough to love it, and then there’s Reid Bryson. At age 86, he’s still...
  3. drkodos

    Why Close Threads?

    What's the point, especially if there are still some questions in it left unanswered? How is it more work to keep a thread open? Seems like it creates more work because now some users need to create yet another thread in order to respond to something in a closed thread. Dracos goes...
  4. drkodos

    Is There Rock Climbing in Heaven?

    And if so, what happens when you fall?
  5. drkodos

    Mind Reading & ESP

    Is it real? Is anyone here capable of reading other people's minds through an internet connection? My opinion (and one that is shared by US law) is that a person's intent was impossible to ascertain unless that individual actually proffered it. But, I know there are some people that...
  6. drkodos

    A Question Regarding Solomon

    If Solomon was so wise, why did he betray God? Discuss.
  7. drkodos

    The Cave: Which Level Are You On?

    For those unfamilar with the concept of The Cave by Plato, you can find some useful info here. I've been outside and have been blinded by the light. My eyes have finally adjusted though, and the sights are indeed very beautiful. I wish I could share them with others, and continually...
  8. drkodos

    New Study to Discuss: Righties Outgive Lefties What has long been speculated by many has now been the subject of a study and the reults are in. "His main finding is quite startling, that the people who talk the most about caring actually fork over the least," he said. "But beyond...
  9. drkodos

    Avatar File Sizes

    I wish to lobby for an increase in the size allowed for personal avatars. I believe the current limit is 70X70 and 4KB, whichever is larger. This is ridiculously small in today's website, personalized message board persona world. How about going to 85 X 85 and increase to 14 KB (or at...
  10. drkodos

    Religious Threads ?!

    Why do you folks allow so many of them? I think the site would be so much better if you eliminated all of them. From Atheist to Pentecostal, they add little to the site, and are probably the biggest waste of bandwidth here. The entire Off Topic forum is one big religious nut house. Or...
  11. drkodos

    Larry King: High Functioning Idiot Savant? I guess he still uses semaphore? "So what, do you like, push buttons?" :lol:
  12. drkodos


    Riverworld by Philip Jose Farmer. I've been hoping for a long time someone would get a script and make this into a movie. Then again, I felt the same way about Asimov's I, Robot until it was raped and emasculated by Hollywood. Any other fans out there?
  13. drkodos

    Peak Oil: Fact or Fiction?

    Peak Oil Still 25+ Years Away Life After the Crash Well, they both cannot be correct. As usual, I suspect reality sits somewhere in between.
  14. drkodos

    Xanikk999: When Is Your Book Coming Out ?!

    I figure with all these polls you're obviously conducting some deep research on the proclivities of people on the Civ message boards. Eventually you will have some enlightening data to share with the world, eh?
  15. drkodos

    I Dislike Garlic

    It actually makes me very ill.
  16. drkodos

    China Preps Their War Engines Sabre rattling.
  17. drkodos

    Settler First Build

    I feel this tactic is mostly overlooked and I have oft wondered why. Building a Settler first seems a controversial starting tactic and has not been accepted by too many players as a viable starting strategy, but there has never been offered a clear refutation. I believe and argue here that...
  18. drkodos

    Mac Ads by Apple

    Really make me want to buy a PC to avoid being a pretentious jerk.
  19. drkodos

    Capturing Fast Workers

    Makes no sense that they lose their power to move faster. If India captures one of my workers, it is granted special powers to move faster. Yet, if I recapture that same worker, it mysteriously loses or forgets how to move faster. Of course I understand fully it is a game balancing...
  20. drkodos

    Morality and Civ IV (rantish!)

    !!WARNING!!: SATIRICAL CONTENT AHEAD. Be responsible for your own feelings.* :eek: Do vegetarians players get upset when players kill the bears and other wildlife for experience in the game? It is endlessly fascinating to me how many people draw such think lines of morality over...
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