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  1. Crighton

    One two few knigs

    Playing my game. Doing my thing. I'm one of the Dutchies, buliding my colony up. It's a huge map and I three in extra random AI to mix things up. There's acouple of french, of english, one spanish and another Dutch colony. I get my colony to the point of declaring independence. The...
  2. Crighton

    Sports Mod / Module

    Sports Mod / Module v1.0 This Mod/Module adds three new modern era buildings to CIV. I used HROCHland's baseball, soccer and football stadiums for the buildings and created buttons to go with each. Baseball / Soccer / Football Stadiums - Cost: 260 Plus One Happy Plus One Happy per 20%...
  3. Crighton

    Tactical Nukes: A gift from your friend and master

    Playing my game (hemi-sphere, big and small map) I basically take my western hemispher over but sadly Boudicia (on my continent) and Quin (not in my hemisphere) had formed a Permanant Alliance. So, I unify my continent under my rule and in the process beat the tar out of B & Q. I took them as my...
  4. Crighton

    Somewhere I errored - need some xml help

    The title pretty much says it all. My problem is that I can place the buildings in the Cities using World Builder without a problem, but in the normal course of the game I can't build the buildings in the city menu (the other problem is that when I place the buildings in using world build the...
  5. Crighton

    Modular Events Question

    HI All, I've skimmed through the events modding tutorial by solver and I'm confident the if I read it and the following posts carefully I can acheive my goal of creating my custom events. My question though is this: if I have a custom building module, i'd like to create a few specific...
  6. Crighton

    Graphical Error Creating Custom Promotions

    I created a series of custom promotions, got everything working fine except for one small thing I can't figure out. The problem is in that area which displays the units on the tile and what promotions they have. When a unit has one of the custom promotions and you scroll over the unit...
  7. Crighton

    AH1 - Cobra (Gunship) Buttons

    Here are some buttons for the AH1-Cobra Attack Helicopter with various backgrounds. I used Buttonmaker 2.0 by asioasioasio for the backgrounds and the image from wiki. Enjoy, ~Crighton
  8. Crighton

    AH-64 Buttons

    Here are some buttons for the AH-Apache Attack Helicopter with various backgrounds. I used Buttonmaker 2.0 by asioasioasio for the backgrounds and the image from wiki. Enjoy, ~Crighton
  9. Crighton

    Gunships Mod (BTS 3.17 Compliant)

    Gunships Module v.1.25 by Crighton *********************************************** Version 1.25 Updates - 09/07/2008 Download Gunships Mod Added: Helicopter I Promotion Requires Combat I Adds 10% vs Helicopter Units Helicopter II Promotion Requires Helitcopter I Adds 15% vs...
  10. Crighton

    Quick XML Question - Assinging a stength penalty for a unit

    Hi all, Quick question: I've successfully added a helicopter unit and I think I need to balance it by adding a penalty to it. Specifically I want to give it a -25% penalty vs. Sam Infantry and a -50% penalty vs. Mobil Sams. Is it possible to do this in XML by editing the helicopter...
  11. Crighton

    Need a spot of help adding some units

    Back in the day when there was only Civ IV the vanilla edition, I actually managed to be able to read the various tutorials that were availible and add in some extra units. I was happy, even though it was a bit tedious having to edit four xmls, but I could do it. Then life caught up with me...
  12. Crighton

    Changing Global Warming to Generate Fallout

    I'd like to revamp the Global Warming system to be tied to the ammount of Nuclear Weps used (and I suppose Nuclear Plant meltdowns), and have it generate Fallout in random places rather than change the terrain type. I'd like the regular pollution to produced to be irrelevant. Is this...
  13. Crighton

    I had it comming, probably.

    Large World, Future Start. Not the greatest starting location, had to found Aluminium Inc and a city in BFE for oil just to get the resources going. Crumbed my way to about a dozen cities through a series of short wars. Got some extra citiesites on my continent. My continent looked as...
  14. Crighton

    Explaining the Vassal System

    A new book entry has been added: Explaining the Vassal System
  15. Crighton

    Ai uses nukes (alot) + 1st Space Victory

    It's a modern start, trying out the advanced start thingy. There I am, minding my own business, I go own to absorb the Holy Romans and Celts to my south and make friends with the Chinese and Mehmed to my north, Saladin eventuall became my neighbor. Things were going swimmingly right up...
  16. Crighton

    Corporate Espionage

    I just wanted to pop in a thought: When you put a corporate franchise into a rival Civ's city, it should generate some espionage points against the rival Civ for you. I'm not arguing for a whole point, maybe something like a .25 point of Espionage per turn. I think it would make sense being...
  17. Crighton

    Massed Bomber Groups Selection Error

    (I didn't know what else to call it and I didn't see a similar thing so here's my thread) Prior to the 2.08 patch you could have a group of say ten bombers (with all ten selected) and go bomber some city, any planes which didn't use up their turn in the process could be target on say the same...
  18. Crighton

    Explaining the Vassal System (an attempt)

    I've written the following in an attempt to help explain the Vassal System in the CIV: Warlords expansion. It may not be the most comprehensive explanation possible, but I hope it helps answer some of the many recurring questions which pop up in threads throughout the forums. Please feel free...
  19. Crighton

    Forget Barb Spearman/Galleys, where's the UU?

    Like the title says, why is there no Barb Unique Unit? [I get the point already that the Barbs aren't a "true" civ, but they are a force in the game and do function in a "civ"-like manner; i.e. founding the occaisional city, conquering, keeping and improving other cities, etc. why not go...
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