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  1. Wei-Yan

    Another Request For A New Civ

    IS THERE ANYONE OUT THERE THAT COULD MAKE THE BYZENTINES!!! I think it is strange that they have been left out considering the dramatic role on history:confused:
  2. Wei-Yan

    Invasion of Korea Senario

    Could someone make an Invasion of Korea Senario id do it but lack the know how.In case your wondering witch one im talking about Hydioshi Tyotomis Invasion after the Sengoku war. Civs sould include Korea Japan and China
  3. Wei-Yan

    Map of the Far East

    Could nyone make a map of the far east? there are pleanty of world and europe maps but none of the Far east! The civs it should include are: Japan China India Russia Mongolia (if possible): Korea at least 2 Indo-chinese countrys Tibet Indonisia
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