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  1. T

    Civ 5 is coming to Mac

    If you look inside a mod folder and open a ModInfo file in notepad, one of the properties is <SupportsMac>. I would say that is pretty conclusive evidence that Civ 5 is coming to Mac and probably quite soon.
  2. T

    Unit maintenance

    I was reading the Civ 5 instruction manual and read in the maintenance section: "Units and buildings both have “maintenance costs” that must be paid every turn." In the buildings table, every building as an associated maintenance cost, but the units table has no such column. I was...
  3. T

    Skining Modeling ect.

    Does anyone know of any free software for modding. Or can tell me the software they use because I really want to make a mod with new units. I would prefer to model them but skinning would be a great help on its ow. Thanks in advance. Thk123
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